Blueprint For Reform – IOTW Report

Blueprint For Reform

Get the exclusive conservative policy agenda for our next President.


This brand-new eBook gives you an exclusive inside look at the policy agenda that scholars from The Heritage Foundation have prepared for the next President. Blueprint for Reform outlines conservative solutions that will:

  • reform taxes and grow the American economy
  • balance the federal budget and reduce government waste
  • reduce regulation to unleash the free market
  • rebuild our military and make our country safe

In 1980, Heritage scholars produced the Mandate for Leadership, which guided Reagan’s policies that led to a time of unprecedented prosperity. Now, Heritage has again devised conservative solutions that will grow the economy and limit the federal government.

You can get Blueprint For Reform right now, for free.

SNIP: Has anyone read this? Give us a review.

5 Comments on Blueprint For Reform

  1. “Reform” sounds good but usually results merely in redirecting the cash flow to a different set of rent seekers and cronies.

    Maybe this time it will be different, but anyone who says he wants to “reduce regulation to unleash the free market” with a straight face is not very likely to be successful at much more than putting his shoes on the correct feet. Duh – if there’s any regulation it isn’t a free market. It may be a market, but by definition it ain’t free.

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