Atlantic City Travelogue Video 1951 versus Atlantic City 2016 – IOTW Report

Atlantic City Travelogue Video 1951 versus Atlantic City 2016

ht/ fdr in hell

13 Comments on Atlantic City Travelogue Video 1951 versus Atlantic City 2016

  1. It’s not that there weren’t any bad people back then, but they had the decency to be sufficiently ashamed of themselves that they didn’t do their misdeeds out in plain view. Not today. Assholes and thugs have been so stuffed full of self-esteem that they are proud of their assholiness and thuggery.

  2. Did you see those motorcycle cops in the first video?
    Cops from ’51 would club the shit out of any punk doing the stuff seen in the 2nd video.

    Also noteworthy in the background is the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel (demolished in 1978) where the US Army’s Atlantic City Training Center housed soldiers during Basic Training for WWII

  3. Bad behavior was limited to the “bad neighborhood” at the edge of town.
    Unfortunately, pretty much every place is a bad neighborhood because, as Al says, bad people don’t go to the bad neighborhood to be bad any longer. They’ll be bad any friggin damn place they please. You have a problem with that??

  4. On occasion when I go to the strip I see photos of how Vegas used to be. People wore dresses and suits to gamble. lol. Can you imagine? Now, people are walking around in thongs and tank tops or painted on jeans and spiked heels downtown.
    And that’s just the men.

  5. Prior to Yonkers losing their lawsuit, which forced low income housing across the city, the Westchester county fair was held at Yonkers Raceway.
    It was a safe place to go. In fact, my generation at 18 years of age were considered the troublemakers.
    We had long hair, cursed in public, were a little too smart-mouthy to elders. But we weren’t dangerous, or relentless. And generally we knew when to stop being idiots.
    Certainly the girls weren’t in any danger.

    I went back to the fair after the lawsuit.
    The tension in the air from the thugs that sauntered around holding their dicks was palpable.
    It was less fun and the entire place felt on edge.
    People were walking around looking dejected and depressed, looking for the exits – not from the fair… from the city.

  6. Thanks for those links The 80’s. I didn’t know that about Yonkers.

    At the end of the second link, this moron spews, “The lesson I hope young people will draw from all of this is that you have to be tenacious and fight for what’s right, not just take what’s given to you,” Ms. Edmonson said.

    “Not just take what’s GIVEN to you” It’s not enough that we are forced to subsidize your irresponsible life but now you’ve used the power of the state to ruin our neighborhoods and lifestyle. Yep, fighting for “what’s right” means you get to infest where we live with your thugassery. Why is that right?

    There was a damn good reason our ancestors believed in segregation. Imagine working all your life to have a little home in a peaceful neighborhood and then having the GD government tell you that you must build 800 units of subsidized housing for lowlifes right next door to you.

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