Boat Bursts into Flames After Lightning Strikes – IOTW Report

Boat Bursts into Flames After Lightning Strikes

A small sailboat got an electrifying jolt Saturday when it burst into flames while alongside in a Boston harbor, according to video footage of the incident.

7 Comments on Boat Bursts into Flames After Lightning Strikes

  1. I tell ya,after years working with radio towers,
    cell phone sites,ETC.,lightning makes it’s own rules
    every time it strikes.I have seen sites with the most
    expensive MOV industrial spike protectors that were
    vaporized after a super strike.Halo ground made with bonded #2 solid copper wire couldn’t stop it…
    Seen 500′ steel radio tower with many 80′ pine tress
    surrounding it.Every tree had been hit and died{like 97% of pine trees hit}.For you techno types,PolyPhazor has
    some incredible info on their R&D site regarding lightning.Very fast rise time and slow decay.DC to light in it’s frequency range with most energy concentrated
    in the 1 megahertz range.

  2. right you are radioationman ~ lightning doesn’t care one wit about lightning dissipaters or grids … one of my biggest arguments ever was w/ a ‘Senior Electrical Engineer’ (just degreed, no EIT, no PE, not even a Professional License)who kept insisting on installing a ring of 6′ tall spike protectors, each on having it’s own (as you noted above) dedicated 1/0 copper wire returning to earth for the tops of our watertowers & standpipe!

    the towers & standpipes are steel plated & girder construction!!! does one really think that lightning is going to care about those spikes & make a neat pathway to ground? …. Really?

    like you said … lightning makes it’s own rules


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