Bob Menendez Hates Cesar Chavez – IOTW Report

Bob Menendez Hates Cesar Chavez

Republicans in the Senate put forward a resolution recognizing Cesar Chavez commitment to immigration enforcement.    Bob Menendez (D-NJ) blocked the measure.

Read the story here



6 Comments on Bob Menendez Hates Cesar Chavez

  1. I thought the Senator Bob “I likes em young” Menendez, the WalMart of the Senate was in the slam? Damn shame although the GOP seems to have made him look like a bit of a dick, which I gather those young hookers agreed, that is that he had a bit of a dick.

  2. Just another progtard asshole rewriting history. In progtard pseudo reality, Caesar Chavez wanted the borders wide open; so the the number of available farm workers could quadruple and be so large that he couldn’t possibly organize them all. Then he’d be in a perfect position to… um… demand a um… raise… in farm worker pay… yeah… yeah… that’s the ticket… More available labor equal high pay demand successes… Yeah… that’s how it works… At least in the magical world inside a progtard’s diseased brain.

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