“Bobbing” For … – IOTW Report

“Bobbing” For …


Three Bob Fergusons now running for governor as race takes turn for the weird.

A Republican activist convinced two Democrats, both named Bob Ferguson, to join the contest. Backers of AG Bob Ferguson, the leading Democrat, are crying foul.

A conservative Republican activist threw a monkey wrench into the race by recruiting two last-minute Democratic candidates who share the same name as the party’s presumed front-runner.

The newcomers, one from Yakima and the other Graham, will now share the Aug. 6 primary ballot with Attorney General Bob Ferguson. In all, 30 candidates filed in the race.

Glen Morgan, a political conservative who has a knack for annoying elected Democrats and their progressive allies, cooked up the maneuver that immediately drew flack from the attorney general’s camp as an attempt to confuse voters.

Morgan said this had been in the works for a while as he contacted some of the 53 Washington residents named Bob Ferguson. 

“Not every one of them wants their name associated with the guy running for governor,” he said. Deciding to file on their behalf “was pretty impulsive” and he said he had to scramble to raise money to cover the filing fee of $1,982.57 for each of the two Fergusons. 

Morgan provided few details about the individuals. Bob Ferguson from Yakima is a retired state worker and the one from Graham is a military veteran, he said. Neither is politically experienced, but both share a distaste for the state executive with the same name, Morgan said.

Nothing soothes an attack on democracy like watching your daughter set a personal best in the 100 meters.

“Three Bob Night: Two more Bob Fergusons running for WA governor”https://t.co/nYChgfaQBK pic.twitter.com/vGBEfCg7ad

— Bob Ferguson (@BobFergusonAG) May 11, 2024

Ferguson, the attorney general, declined Friday to comment. 


ht/ illust8r

14 Comments on “Bobbing” For …

  1. Thats so delicious!

    Thats some lateral thinking there. After Demoncraps pushed the top two primary system on us, after allowing cross voting in the primaries (which they’ve used to great advantage), let them wriggle on the hook of thier own making.

  2. Glen Morgan, guess what cult he belongs to. 1st of all those “other 2 fakes” are not Democrats. Party imposters courtesy of a deranged cult member. Those imposters registered right before the 5 pm Friday deadline. Their names on the ballot will be distinguished from the real Bob Ferguson by an initial or their true profession, eg… paid imposter. Noting the good residents Washington state will see right thru this BS. Stoopid as they come, Glen Morgan’s address will be posted for all to see.

  3. The question is if Ferguson is a bigger shitbag than Inslee. I don’t want to replace one shitbag for an even worse shitbag in Ferguson. Wash. state deserves better than both these shitbags. Dave Reichert was the former King County Sheriff during the time of the Green River serial killing murders in the Seattle area in the 90’s and a former US Congressman representing Seattle as well and should be our next governor and not another damn democrap tyrant like Ferguson will prove to be. My daughter also got to know Reichert when she was a paid staffer for Kathy McMorris Rogers, our US Congresswoman from Eastern Wash. around 2010 or so and actually worked on his campaign for political office in the Seattle when he lost his bid to become a US Senator for the state of Wash.

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