BOOK: Clintons ‘Destroyed’ Secret Service, Allowed Chinese Generals Into White House With Mysterious ‘Paper Bags’ – IOTW Report

BOOK: Clintons ‘Destroyed’ Secret Service, Allowed Chinese Generals Into White House With Mysterious ‘Paper Bags’


GP: In his new book, Secrets of the Secret Service: The History and Uncertain Future of the US Secret Service, author Gary Byrne writes that the Clintons ‘systematically,’ destroyed the Secret Service’s integrity. The New York Times best-selling writer and ex-Secret Service agent says the former First Family was so abusive to his co-workers that they were often driven to “drugs and alcohol.”

 Even more stunning, Byrne claims the Clinton’s allowed Chinese generals into the White House with mysterious paper bags. 

Daily Mail UK reports:

The rot started because they would ‘continually seek to systematically destroy the protocols that ensure protection’, putting the Secret Service in an impossible positions.

Byrne writes that ‘the agency had decided to err on the slide of blind loyalty and that was nearly its undoing’.  MORE

16 Comments on BOOK: Clintons ‘Destroyed’ Secret Service, Allowed Chinese Generals Into White House With Mysterious ‘Paper Bags’

  1. Exactly Bill, what’s the point of even reporting this. There are two sets of laws in the United States; one for the Clintons and Obamas and one for the rest of us. We might as well face it.

  2. Paying for access to super computer and satellite tech from Silicon Graphics and Hughes, to further strategic weapons development with plain paper bags full of money. . . no need to investigate, the Clintons can do anything they want.

  3. Sessions held a news conference today re a new program DOJ is rolling out to hire 40 additional US prosecutors specifically tasked to high crime cities. Wait, wut? What were the run-of-the-mill regular PAs doing?

    Anyhoo, he took a q re the open investigations and for the first time finally acknowledged yes, there are several open investigations.
    Thanks Jeff for confirming what we already knew.

  4. 20 years later the story comes out in a for profit book. WTF!! Why in the hell do these guys wait to tell the story until they can make a buck doing it? What about See Something, Say Something?

  5. Cox Report. We knew about it 1999, the Bush Dynasty did exactly squat. Bernie Schvantz Loral Space & Communications, Hughes Electronics slapped on the wrist.

    We get DF-41 MARVed ICBMS painted on us as countervalue targets.

    Media are cunts. Politicians are cunts. The CI is full of cunts. We’ve been sold out.

    Hence Trump. Start pole-axing these shitbags Mr. Trump. Heads need to roll down the street.

  6. Surprised this guy hasn’t committed suicide in Fort Marcy park. Something odd about a Clinton related suicide where there are 3 holes in the back of the head, no gun, and no blood at the scene. Hmmmm….Bill? Hillary? Something ya wanna tell us?

  7. Only after 20 YEARS, we hear about this?!?
    The point being?!?


    TO RacerX
    Yes, fire Sessions yesterday, and SCR*W Gowdy…but Guilani isn’t enough…it’s time for an EXECUTIONER (name irrelevant, probably abundant private sector – or “mercenary” – supply).

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