Born That Way – IOTW Report

Born That Way


However, what if you tried to cultivate separate [AI] bots for separate political positions? That’s what David Rozado, a machine-learning researcher, recently did by administering a slew of political orientation tests to 24 of the most advanced language models.

Rozado, the Times reported, “found a consistent pattern: They tend to be politically left of center and lean libertarian instead of authoritarian. These leanings are reflected in their moral judgments, the way they frame their answers, which information they choose to share or omit and which questions they will or won’t answer.”

And, Rozado’s study of these “still largely inscrutable black boxes,” as the Times put it, yielded consistent results no matter what diet they were fed. More

14 Comments on Born That Way

  1. If the Allsides Media Bias Chart shows Fox News at the right, then there should be a couple columns to the right of that. Maybe conservatives & patriots.
    Feed the AI big doses of the Bible, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. Include George Orwell’s 1984 and ask it to find any parallels to today’s administration.

  2. I’ve always thought that libertarian was right wing meaning leave me alone and let me live my life and authoritarian was left meaning cradle to grave we tell you what to do and think… or else bullet to the head.

  3. Computers, no matter how big, are only as smart as the people who program them and if the builders and programmers are liberal, the computers will be.
    Computers can’t program themselves.

  4. Mr. Beachmom pointed out that if these computers are searching the internet for answers, they’ll come up with leftist answers too.
    Do a search and see.

  5. “They tend to be politically left of center and lean libertarian instead of authoritarian.”

    The “left” is full-blown totalitarian – certainly not authoritarian – so that may be a quasi-accurate, only partially deceitful statement.
    (of course, accurate is accurate and deceitful is deceitful – I’m trying to be generous)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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