Born to Fry – IOTW Report

Born to Fry


The Chinese Communist Party greenlit the debut of Born to Fly, a Chinese propaganda version of Top Gun, in theaters on Friday in anticipation of one of the biggest box office weekends of the year.

China, like communist countries around the world, observes May 1 as “International Workers’ Day,” a holiday that celebrates the bloody legacy of Marxism. Communist ideology has resulted in at least 110 million killings in its brief history, a disproportionate number of which occurred in China under late dictator Mao Zedong. More

12 Comments on Born to Fry

  1. Marxism is actually a race-hating philosophy and enslavement enactment against blacks and minorities (think Crooked Joe Biden’s long association with the KKK and Zelensky’s race-exterminating azov battalions) as designed and advocated by Karl Marx who was a known flaming racist. Add also the fact that the Chinese Communists bought AMC Movie Theaters.

  2. Chinese inferiority complex and lack of creative expression stem largely from the communist party rule. They make a copy of a remake, badly, and claim it is an heroic example of the art. Communism as practiced first isn’t communism rather socialism, and it by its very nature eliminates innovation and the kind of thought that leads to innovation. Ten thousand failures leads to one good idea and in a socialist system no one gets ten thousand, or even ten failures before being removed. The only value in the remake is that it avoided woke faggotry and lecturing. A sixty year old test pilot? He ain’t shit. He never tested the bounds of anything regularly or he would long since had his ticket punched. They start em young, use em young and get em out of the cockpit young… one way or the other.


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