Both Navy and MLB Remove Pride Month Material from Social Media – IOTW Report

Both Navy and MLB Remove Pride Month Material from Social Media

Red State

The official U.S. Navy Instagram and Twitter accounts have seemingly removed posts that celebrated the commencement of “Pride Month.” On Thursday, the first day of June “Pride Month,” the Navy’s social media accounts featured a graphic displaying military vessels and a fighter jet leaving a trail behind in the rainbow colors of the LGBTQ flag, but by Friday morning, the image had disappeared.

This action is part of the Pentagon’s recent efforts to steer clear of cultural controversies, as top Defense officials recently moved to prohibit drag performances on all military installations. More

10 Comments on Both Navy and MLB Remove Pride Month Material from Social Media

  1. I could give a fuck about MLB. But I work directly with ex Mil. Sometimes current mil. They ARE DEMORALIZED. I’m hardly joking. but after all, that was the goal. And Millie Vanilley saw to it. That fuck tard.

  2. gfy Anonyass … it ain’t too late!
    they haven’t completely destroyed the Middle Class yet! … the retailers are hurting worse. Cramazon is killing them & any $$$ that we don’t give ’em hurts …. obviously, or they’d be cramming it right back at us

    today I noticed that the line at the Cuck-Fil-A was noticeable shorter at lunchtime … wonder why?

  3. Of the seven deadly sins, why is pride the only one that gets its own month and flag? Thats not fair. (And shouldn’t it be in September since it “goeth before a Fall”?)
    As a retired person I would gladly wave a sloth flag or a gluttony flag and look forward to celebrating those months.

  4. The wife mentioned that the target parking lot is almost empty too.
    Once companies go rainbow it’s almost impossible to get people back. Why can’t they get a clue and just shut up?
    When they pull this crap and then do 180 it tics off both sides, one way or the other.
    Some of us have long memories, I still don’t listen to Glenn Beck. Too bad.


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