Boycotting SJWs Proved Impotent If Simply Ignored – IOTW Report

Boycotting SJWs Proved Impotent If Simply Ignored

I don’t care about Netflix, I don’t care about Hollywood, I don’t care about supposed “fat shaming.”

What I do care about are people caving into the pressure of the Twitterati. They are meaningless, they are a minority, they hold no power.

Netflix has a series called Insatiable about a girl nicknamed Fatty Patty who has her jaw wired shut and loses a lot of weight.

UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!  said Twitter dopes, and they organized a boycott.

The show was just renewed for a 2nd season. And the decision was announced…. on Twitter. lol.

Why? Because Twitter schmucks have, in reality, no impact on anything. They are on Twitter all day and night, and they aren’t watching Insatiable anyway. They exist only to be outrage and complain machines on social media.

They are sad and broken misfits. They are to be ignored, as evidenced by this TV show.

Oh, and by the way, Alyssa Milano, herself a Twitter schmuck, is on the show.

See Alyssa. Your Twitter resistance is futile.


3 Comments on Boycotting SJWs Proved Impotent If Simply Ignored

  1. Let me guess: unfortunately, Alyssa Milano is *not* the one in the show with her mouth wired shut. Permanently.

    Not *that* would be a show I might watch. Sorta like watching a fish tank.

  2. “What if you held a boycott and nobody came?”

    Boycotts *can* work if people really GAF.

    The problem with shows (including the NFL shows) is that they exist as brain-dead entertainment for brain-dead slugs who are too apathetic to turn the brain-dead shit off. They don’t see it as real, or a reflection of reality, in the first place, so it’s difficult to take it seriously enough to avoid it – even stressing the pretended outrage over some imagined insult.

    Some future psychologist is gonna say: “Damn! Them ‘Mericans in the 21st Century makes my head scratch! They be’s like, y’know, all fucked up! And stuff.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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