Bravo, Indeed – IOTW Report

Bravo, Indeed

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10 Comments on Bravo, Indeed

  1. He took a huge chance with his small children’s well being by acting like a tough guy.

    What would he have done if some PantyFa loser got out and kicked his ass right in front of his kids…. or worse just pulled a gun and shot him?

    If your gonna do something to start a fight then make sure you do not leave your very young children to the mercy of strangers who just killed you!

  2. Guys/Gals,

    The James Wood Plot thickens, not sure where that vid came from (Florida or So Cal) but I KNEW I had ‘seen it’ before, and the below appears to be more ‘original’ because of the reaction of the little girl AND the father, the city in the backround is somewhere in SE Asia. Still might be fabricated?? (I understand this is NOT the same issue as being ripped off for your artwork! More like a an act or stunt that goes viral.)

    And the soundtrack is much better and affective…it’s all about production, composition, etc of the piece.
    Correct @BFH?

    That said? That vid was posted to the net on May 7th!


  3. My sister was leaving a restaurant one evening and some jerk tossed a lit cigarette out the car window, and she picked it up, tossed it back in the window of the car and said, “You dropped something”. Her husband who was with her, was mortified. But whomever tossed it didn’t come after them.

  4. @BFH – on that same vid site is the below. He just might be a fan, well at least the person that made the vid? A ‘three dimensional’ version of your Paul Revere design. I sent it you but it got lost in your sauce…

    Also @Joe6pak, note the last comment in the posted comments…


    I would like to post the source (the site), to credit, but it is not everyones cup of tea!


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