Break Like the Wind – IOTW Report

Break Like the Wind

Standard – A cousin of US President Barack Obama is demanding £400,000 from the Met police after claiming colleagues deliberately broke wind beside her desk to make her life a misery.

HT/ Twitter: @JasonChisel

32 Comments on Break Like the Wind

  1. so is this someone related to the very dark and round faced “Barak Obama” who was from Kenya who 0bama claims is his daddy?

    OR, is this someone actually biologically related to 0bama?

  2. “Marco Rubio, one of President Obama’s cousins was assaulted with poison gas by coworkers recently. What would you do as President to prevent zuch facially-motivated attacks on members of his family”

    “Um, I don’t think the cousin in question is American, so–”

    “Are you saying the President is unAmerican?”

    “Look, I’m just saying we should look out for Americans fjrst.”

    “Some would call that jingoistic nativism.”

  3. They were just blowing air kisses.

    That’s a lot less harmful and annoying than the crappy lies her ‘cousin’ slings every time he opens his mouth, as he destroys freedom. So shut up, sit down and get back to work.

  4. When you’re pointing your finger at somebody, three fingers are pointing back at you. My wife works with a woman whose hair looks like that, and the stench coming off her head is so bad that everybody around her has Glade plug-ins in their cubicles. Just a thought.

  5. An excerpt from one of my favorite kid’s books, Squids will be Squids by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith the story called He who… Skunk, Musk Ox, and Cabbage were sitting around the front porch at Skunk’s house. Slowly but surely, the porch filled with a terrible smell. “Whoa!” said Skunk. “Is that you Musk Ox?” Musk Ox shook his shaggy head. “No way, Skunk. That’s Cabbage.” “Uh uh,” said Cabbage. “That’s not me.” Musk Ox and Cabbage looked at Skunk, who suddenly became very interested in tying his shoe. Moral, he who smelt, dealt it. My kids loved this book when they were growing up mainly because I’m goofy enough to do funny voices to tell the story to them.

  6. Lemme guess: She’s an Affirmative Action hire, claims to be politically connected, is the least competent, reliable, motivated, and dependable. Has the worst attitude and has used up all her sick leave and vacation time. She knows the bosses have just about had it with her. She knows the best defense is a good offense.

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