BREAKING!!! Another Chinese Balloon!!!! Oh… wait – IOTW Report

BREAKING!!! Another Chinese Balloon!!!! Oh… wait

ht/ Doc

12 Comments on BREAKING!!! Another Chinese Balloon!!!! Oh… wait

  1. Now we shoot them down into one of the largest fresh water lakes in the world which flows into two of the other great lakes and beyond until it drains into the Atlantic.
    Just something to maybe think about.
    Lake huron empties into the St. Clair river.
    That’s where my water comes from.

  2. It’s very interesting that these odd “balloons” resemble alien craft tropes….

    Maybe one phenomenon accounts for another, doubt an interstellar craft would be in any real danger from a sidewinder.

    Kinda makes me think the WH knows “Hey a squirrel” is working to take the heat off the Pedo since the “Honest Mike does it also” gambit fell flat…

    No pun intended.


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