***BREAKING** GraceLife, Pr. James Coates’ Church Seized by Canadian Government – IOTW Report

***BREAKING** GraceLife, Pr. James Coates’ Church Seized by Canadian Government

Canadian Government Seizes Church Property.

This is the church pastored by James Coates, the man arrested for holding church services in Canada.  He was just released after serving two months in prison. – Lead Salad

17 Comments on ***BREAKING** GraceLife, Pr. James Coates’ Church Seized by Canadian Government

  1. As I responded earlier in the post about the restaurant heckling out the “health inspectors”:

    Anon 2:35,
    Simple solution. A “church” is NOT a building, is is a gathering of like minded people sharing common core beliefs.
    Hold the services in the open field next to the closed down building.
    “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

    Will the po-po arrest EVERYBODY? If so, time for everyone to play “I AM SPARTICUS!”, get themselves arrested, and overwhelm the system “Cloward-Piven” style.
    (at the same time, collect the names and PII of the arresting officers, the convicting judge, and the “health inspectors”. then pay midnight visits to their houses and cars. actions have consequences.)

  2. cops “we’re just following orders”
    30 pieces of silver.
    This is coming here if Christians dont stand up and literally STORM this place.

    What i meant by cool is these guys are coming to my city, not the fencing

  3. kt,
    Have to wonder…….will these (koff!) “workers” (koff!) be sent to ALL neighborhoods? Or only certain neighborhoods? And how many workers will be shot by some irate neighbor person when the worker won’t take “NO I DO NOT WANT THEN JAB!” for an answer.

  4. Poor Stupid Government:

    1) The courts WILL overturn this very quickly.


    They can literally assemble in a public square, have a mass and be done BEFORE the authorities put down their Tim Horton Coffee and maple donuts.

  5. @President Elect…

    100% correct brother. They would also NEVER dare think about doing this at a mosque or even insisting on entering.

    Christins, the most persecuted.
    Jews, the most hated. (My kids are both)

  6. When a health inspector brought police and tried to enter during a service, a lawyer for the church pointed out it was illegal for anyone to disturb or interrupt a religious service. One of the Statsi claimed that since that was not their intent, they would not be violating the law.

    James Comey must represent the police after the good job he did for Hillary Clinton.


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