Breaking: Obama Begins Removal of Racist White Guys From Mount Rushmore – IOTW Report

Breaking: Obama Begins Removal of Racist White Guys From Mount Rushmore

He should be done by Christmas, and then he’ll begin the removal of that.d0300c6830d9a7eccb79ccb72d37970e

31 Comments on Breaking: Obama Begins Removal of Racist White Guys From Mount Rushmore

  1. I’m not shooting anyone I have too much to loose.
    Mostly time with All my Grand Children.
    If someone does start shooting I’ll understand but I’ll not join in.

  2. It’s outrageous that they would undertake this project in broad daylight. They should have those helicopters hover with the giant curtains like they did during the government shutdown, so people won’t be emotionally damaged when they have to think about all that white privilege that is being removed.

  3. You’re the exact OPPOSITE of what you should be. And you will, and likely should, “lose it all”.

    The dark side has stormed the field. Unafraid and unapologetic.

    Good people merely had to DO NOTHING.

  4. Spoken like the true disgustingly sick hateful racist bigoted black-hating piece of fuck you truly are! What an unbelievable level of ignorance and malice on this site…and most of you people masquerade as Christians.

    How hateful. But I’m sure you consider yourself a good person, as you wish evil on others and selfishly take, take, take and take some more.

    Although none of that is true. Your tinfoil hat is slipping!

    Barak Obama has committed no offense. Obama is NOT a communist atheist Muslim Nazi socialist racist illegal immigrant gay homosexual transgender tyrant! People like you keep proving my point. Anyone who hates Obama truly are the biggest racists, bigots scumbags in America today. we do see …we see he has saved our nation from the path your last example of leadership left us in …hes done a great job

    There are a majority of “Americans” that STILL hate the fact the a black man is President of the United States, and will do whatever it takes to demean him. You are proving my point!

    Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!

    Fuck you!

  5. There are a majority of “Americans” that STILL hate the fact the a black man is President of the United States

    Barry Hussein 0bama is half white. He is NOT the first black president. And we only knock his white half, racist!

    The tin foil hat is on the other foot, and that foot is now in your racist mouth, progtard.

  6. “Barak Obama has committed no offense.”

    Conspired with Jon Gruber, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi to deceive and defraud his Sovereign. That is Treason.

    Funneled Billions of dollars, which belonged to the taxpayers, to cronies who donated to his campaign, and to the unions. That is Malfeasance.

    Failed to enforce the existing laws of the Land vis a vis immigration. That is a violation of his Oath of Office.

    Foments rebellion among the urban feral savages vis a vis Ferguson, Baltimore, and LA. That is Treason.

    Run guns to the mexican drug cartels which resulted in the murders of hundreds of mexicans and, at least, one American Border Agent. That is murder.

    Conspired with HRC, Jarrett, the moslem brotherhood to smuggle WMDs and small arms out of Libya and into Syria and Mali, resulting in the murders of Amb. Stevens and four brave Americans. That is murder and Treason.

    Need more?

  7. “There are a majority of “Americans” that STILL hate the fact the a black man is President of the United States”

    If a majority of Americans hate that there is a half-black president, how the hell did he get elected? Are you saying there was fraud involved?

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