Breitbart Goes On Record With Oregon Shooter Having Ties To Islam – IOTW Report

Breitbart Goes On Record With Oregon Shooter Having Ties To Islam

The ties are based on a friend, one of only two, on MySpace who is a radical Muslim.


And the following information at EUTimes must be evaluated with a grain of salt.

18 Comments on Breitbart Goes On Record With Oregon Shooter Having Ties To Islam

  1. I think it’s time for the FBI to start interviewing all Muslims.
    Any who fit the bill.
    Kick their ass out.
    Maybe a psychological profile should be done.
    We need to stop playing nice.
    We keep blaming guns instead of the real problem.

  2. I’m not saying Breitbart is wrong, but I think this guy was so messed up in the head he didn’t know what he believed. “Spiritual” people don’t go around shooting others. If Islam is behind this tragedy, I don’t think it played a major role. The bigger problem will turn out to be plain – vanilla mental illness, which is almost always a factor in mass shootings. “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”

  3. One of his social media pages has him saying he follows the left path of spirituality which means Satanism. Wish I had saved the web site.
    Sick twisted individual who embraced violence in any form. Rot in Hell.

    As for being a Pisslamist, if the Foo shits, wear it.

  4. Zactly whut the muzzies look for in a patsy!!
    After all, whut kind of MENSA members do you think they recruit for suicide missions? Ya gotta be Nuckin-Futz to think there are virgins waiting for you at the end of the rainbow in the first place, let alone ones that would have a go at an imbecile who wuz ugly even before he became a smelly, smokin, shot-up, blowed-up mess!!

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