Bret Baier: Chris Christie Entered Politics to Fight for Gun Control – IOTW Report

Bret Baier: Chris Christie Entered Politics to Fight for Gun Control

BigGovernment: During the November 24 airing of Special Report with Bret Baier, Governor Chris Christie (R) denied that he entered politics to push gun control, only to have Baier read a 1993 quote of Christie’s saying he was running for office to fight for an “assault weapons” ban.

Baier asked Christie, “Is it true that the issue of gun control inspired you to get into politics?”

chris christie gasp

Christie paused a moment, then answered, “No, that’s not true.”

Baier continued pressing, “Well, in 1993, you said you were motivated to run for office by supporting preserving New Jersey’s assault weapons ban.” Baier then named the The Star-Ledger as the paper that ran the quote, and Christie interjected, “Well, I don’t remember saying that.”

christie head scratch

 Baier then read the quote—from April 13, 1993—in which Christie said, “The issue which has energized me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey’s ban on assault weapons.” read more

14 Comments on Bret Baier: Chris Christie Entered Politics to Fight for Gun Control

  1. No politician from New England, the Upper Mid-West or California is trustworthy. The ones in the southern and central parts of the country are touch and go at best, but New England is the worst.

  2. As fat as that lying bastard is one would have thought he preferred to limit high caliber hunting rifles so the risk of putting him down would have been much much less. Calibers like the .460 Weatherby magnum specifically designed for “big” African game such as Rhino.

  3. The most telling thing about Christie is that despite winning re-election pretty easily he had no coat tails. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN seat in NJ’s house or senate was picked up.

    He also refused to campaign for VA’s Cuccinelli for even one day when he was closing the gap dramatically.

    Christie at that time was in charge of the GOP Governor’s election efforts.

    The only reason he’s not a democrat is there were too many people ahead of him in NJ democrat politics.

    But the Republican establishment loves him

  4. “Fighting for gun control” is an indicator of a fool. This points to a person who has ignored or dismissed factual evidence, adheres to an ideology of willful ignorance, or merely forges ahead on a path of enslavement.

    That pretty much covers the motives. These are not my insights, they are facts illustrated over THOUSANDS of years of human history.

    People have not changed in a very long time.

  5. Correct me if I’m wrong but can a fork be called “an assault weapon.”?

    I believe the first time I heard the term “assault rifle” was in the movie Heartbreak Ridge, when Gunny Highway opened up on his platoon with an A-K-47 Russian assault Rifle, “the preferred weapon of your enemy,”
    For four years in the Army I referred to my weapon as a rifle. That’s it, a rifle. Not an assault rifle, or weapon; or gun either. A gun was something you played with and got your jollies off with.
    And in Fort Jackson, if you called a rifle, a gun, you would do twenty push-ups and then do two laps of the barracks with your RIFLE at high port yelling “This is my rifle and (grabbing your crotch) this is my gun, this is for fighting and(grabbing your crotch again) this is for fun.” Try it sometime.
    Anyway my point is that the term “assault weapon” is bullshit.
    A hammer, an axe, a bat, a frying pan, a frozen leg of lamb, can be an assault weapon, but a rifle, is just that, a rifle, and protected under the 2nd Amendment.

    Now I’ll have one more and hit the couch.
    Have a great Thanksgiving you all.

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