Brian Potato Explains What the Problem is With Joe Rogan – IOTW Report

Brian Potato Explains What the Problem is With Joe Rogan

Here is the real problem.

CNN is inarguably an arm of the DNC. So are nearly all of the major media dinosaurs. The DNC is losing their grip on the narrative because their conduits to the public are being relied upon less and less. And it’s not merely distrust.

CNN, and the like, act as if time hasn’t marched on, and they act as if the news is the be all and end all of all visual and aural stimuli. it’s not. People do other things.

People are not turning to the television any longer for their entertainment, and they are not going to return to the television just to get their news. They are getting their news from the same sources as their music, movies silly videos, games, etc.

Now, for the distrust element.

CNN hammered away for years that Trump was a Russian asset. They had PROOF! The proof was in the skull of Adam Schiff, and it was going to be revealed any day… any day. And then the proof was revealed – it was a fictional account about a phone call. All of it fantasy. CNN was not horrified. No. They sniffed haughtily as if they nailed Trump, something they longed to do as soon as he descended on his escalator to announce his candidacy.

CNN hailed Avenatti as a hero who could very well take over the seat in the oval office.

CNN #believedALLwomen while trying desperately to take down a republican SCOTUS nominee.

CNN said that riots by Antifa and BLM were mostly peaceful as fires raged behind their propagandist.

CNN focused on a downed airplane, flight 377, for longer than its expiration date, while ignoring the scandals of the “not a smidgen of a scandal Obama.”

We can go on and on with examples, but it’s not necessary. Covid is CNN’s focus now, and they are doing their darnedest to control the narrative, which does not include anything but the state’s narrative, which would not be the case if the current state was led by conservatives. We all know this.

Shall I post the clips of leftists saying they would never take a vaccination under the Trump administration, and juxtapose it against the clips of them saying people who do not take the jab should be destroyed?

This is the problem, you fat fuck.

15 Comments on Brian Potato Explains What the Problem is With Joe Rogan

  1. Mark Dice does a better potato than the original potato. I actually get most all my potato from Dice. Does that make Stelter Diced Potato? Fry him up and serve with breakfast meat and eggs over easy?

  2. Rogan is wilting, as I expected:

    “…I think if there’s anything that I’ve done, that I could do better is have more experts with differing opinions right after I have the controversial ones. I would most certainly be open to doing that…”

    Why do that? It’s not your job, Joe. We got rid of the “Fairness Doctrine” because that’s not how the First Amendment works. None of your media critics—including the fat fuck—EVER have a counterpoint to their narrative. Don’t do their job for them. It’s not your fault that nobody believes them and their audiences are tinier than fat fuck’s dick.

  3. Rogan cured himself with Ivermectin. That’s more statistical data than we have been supplied by anybody else. End of story. Interesting Mr Potato keeps using the word “Opinions”. Is that what the CDC is giving us? Opinions? Seems like it. The CDC announced sometime ago that blood type has a lot to do with reaction to the JAB. Are they checking blood types before they administer? Hell no.


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