Broadcast News Continues Making Itself Irrelevant – IOTW Report

Broadcast News Continues Making Itself Irrelevant


Between Monday and Tuesday, four new Biden family scandals emerged, ranging from Hunter Biden’s artwork to business dealings inside Delaware to conflicts of interest in his tax probe to a former ally finally agreeing to spill the beans to a House committee about the Biden family’s ties to Burisma. If course, none of these scandals made it on the flagship morning and evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC.

Instead, the networks had other priorities, such as lying about Florida’s Department of Education and screeching about Israel’s judicial reforms signaling the end of its democracy. And, in the case of ABC, Good Morning America shelled out 12 minutes and 41 seconds to their first two stops on a tour of MLB ballparks, including a look at some of their unique snacks. More

8 Comments on Broadcast News Continues Making Itself Irrelevant

  1. Wow, I haven’t watched broad cast news since Christ was a kid. Since FOX declared themselves communists assholes I only watch OAN. Took a little getting use to, but I love them now and no way in hell I’ll ever go back. Thanks to ROKU. And in all honestly they’re probably a Libtard org.


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