Broadway Star, Nick Cordero Lost His Battle Against Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Broadway Star, Nick Cordero Lost His Battle Against Coronavirus

Fox News

Celebrities and Broadway stars came together on social media to mourn the death of Tony-nominated actor, Nick Cordero, who died Sunday morning from coronavirus complications at 41.

His wife, Amanda Kloots — who had posted regular updates on his condition — shared news of his passing to the world on Instagram.

“God has another angel in heaven now. My darling husband passed away this morning. He was surrounded in love by his family, singing, and praying as he gently left this earth,” she wrote on Sunday. “I am in disbelief and hurting everywhere. My heart is broken as I cannot imagine our lives without him. Nick was such a bright light.” More

25 Comments on Broadway Star, Nick Cordero Lost His Battle Against Coronavirus

  1. …you know, we have bad dinner theatre even in the sticks and no one cares in NYC if one if THOSE guys dies, why should we care about THIS guy, seeing as how you’d have to have gone to NYC to see HIM?

    …also, all COVID deaths are lies anyway, they’re just trying to use this semi-famous guy to push the lie more…

  2. The China Virus has DNA elements of the HIV within it’s structure.
    That may be what triggered his severe reaction. It is fascinating how some people show little to no reaction while others go viral immediately. No pun intended.
    Yes, there is plenty of fake news and fake medical predictions surrounding this virus as well. The hype outweighs the consequences significantly. Dumping that on Trump is ignorant in itself.

  3. “The star had endured several difficulties during his over 90-day hospitalization, including a leg amputation and multiple mini-strokes while battling several other ailments.”

    Bit of a takeaway there, no?

  4. I’m sorry he died as I would be for anyone passing however I do believe that there was something else going on inside him that was the primary cause of his passing and that they are suppressing that information for whatever reasons.

  5. Doctors killed him. Could hydroxychloroquine helped?

    “He went to the ER on March 30th and intubated on a ventilator on April 1,” Kloots shared.

    “Since then has he has suffered an infection that caused his heart to stop, he needed resuscitation, he had two mini strokes, went on ECMO, needed surgery to removal an ECMO cannula that was restricting blood flow to his leg, a faciatomy to relieve pressure on the leg, an amputation of his right leg, an MRI to further investigate brain damage, several bronchial sweeps to clear out his lungs, a septis infection causing septic shock, a fungus in his lungs, holes in his lungs, a tracheostomy, blood clots, low blood count and platelet levels, and a temporary pacemaker to assist his heart.”

  6. After the treatment of VP Pence by ALL the idiots in the cast of Hamilton, actors on Broadway while Pence was watching the play, actors on Broadway are not newsworthy.

  7. Number one commonality among all who have died – they were all intubated.
    If you get the Wuhan Chinese Communist Covid Flu do not allow them to intubate you.
    CPAP or BiPAP machines will work just fine.
    The hose straight into and over-pressurizing the lungs is what is causing the damage, not the WCCC Flu.
    It is not too early to start all the class action lawsuits against all of the medical malpractice implemented in the name of getting more money.

  8. Cmn¢¢guy,

    “He went to the ER on March 30th and intubated on a ventilator on April 1,” Kloots shared.”

    Kinda sounds like a “let’s see what works” experiment. He definitely had some other underlying condition(s). This is the perfect storm for BLM…breaking up the nuclear family – another child without a father.

  9. I understand that they were putting people on ventilators
    when they weren’t required. The ventilators have such bad side effects with this war virus that they permanently damage the lung tissue, often enough to kill. Only 20% of the patients put on one survived.

  10. Yeah, and they put them in a drug induced coma as well as the ventilators when there were other options they could do first.
    Didn’t the nazi docs do shit like this for cash?
    Cuomo should be in jail, too. At least for the nursing homes fiasco.

  11. I hope I am never in the position where my mourners would send such self-serving condolences at the announcement of my death.
    Jack Smyth, Tony winning actor, who has performed on Broadway and the London stage and currently appearing trice-nightly at the Gayford theatre (Tickets still available) sends his condolences. Judas Priest ! Why no just tape some flyers to his coffin?

  12. @CCNV:
    So, are you saying that BLACK LIVES MATTER via the ChiComs created the Wuhan Flu from China?

    You heard it here first, people!

    I’d LOVE for BLM to be on the hook for this along with the ChiComs!

  13. TommyBoy,

    Not quite sure what you are saying. What I was implying is that BLM (per their rantings) want the nuclear family destroyed so they can teach their bullshit to vulnerable (i.e. fatherless) children. Don’t think there is any relation to BLM creating the Kung Flu (unless you think so), but I certainly wish it would target them.

    I also commented about Charlie Daniels passing, if you would like to comment.

  14. Just saw his photo, definitely gay, likely complications from aids, and just as he was getting prepped for the lead role in Long John Silver, the musical.


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