Broward Sheriff’s Office Creates FACT CHECK Website to “Set the Record Straight” – IOTW Report

Broward Sheriff’s Office Creates FACT CHECK Website to “Set the Record Straight”

Fact Check

I have a page they missed—>


Ht/ All too much

23 Comments on Broward Sheriff’s Office Creates FACT CHECK Website to “Set the Record Straight”

  1. As Joe6pak indicated, being told a number of times that someone is a problem and nothing is done about it is nothing that stripping honest citizens of their rights won’t fix.

  2. It will not transpire without great effort and great pushback, but I fully believe
    when Sheriff Israel is finally fully investigated and removed from office, there
    will be a fatal crack in the criminal dam in Broward County and untold crimes
    and unknown criminals will be exposed.

    The Miami area is a criminal cesspool.

  3. instead of gun control let’s pass legislation mandating that the police have to actually make an effort to protect the citizens they are paid to protect not wait until they are all slaughtered before coming out from cowering behind their cars.

  4. CLAIM: Sheriff Israel knew that failing to arrest and prosecute students for crimes would result in students committing more and more serious crimes.

    FACT: Sheriff Israel was too stupid to see the obvious.

  5. A politically implanted cowardly leftist cock chugging, sniveling, worm like coward. Making excuses for his dereliction of duty during the most severe of circumstances. His crew of inept bumblers followed his cue and scurried like rodents when courage was called for. The man is a complete disgrace.

  6. Uncle Al – the other possibility is that Sheriff Israel knew that failing to arrest and prosecute students for crimes would result in students committing more and more serious crimes… and they were passively cultivating a human pressure cooker bomb that would create a crisis they could take advantage of.
    Now I hate to postulate such a mentality, especially where it concerns kids, but when you really think about it, you have to ask yourself are there any boundaries the Left will not violate?
    Another hint: His work with the local muzlims.

  7. To paraphrase somebody, Sheriff is writing fact checks his ass can’t cash.

    He should be holed up somewhere and, on the advice of his attorney, not talking to anyone.

  8. There is a saying in the Naval Aviation Top Gun School that states, “you fight like you train, and you train like you fight”.

    What’s your rebuttal to that, Scott Israel?

    I agree with Bad_Brad’s assessment.

  9. It gets worse. The little whack job was carrying 10 round mags because 30 rounders wouldn’t fit in his little Barbie back pack. They found his cheap weapon had failed due to a FTF. Balled up. He tossed it and walked out. How many more kids could have possibly died had not the gun malfunctioned? Mean while the ultimate gun hands are hiding out side.

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