Bruce Willis With Devastating Diagnosis – IOTW Report

Bruce Willis With Devastating Diagnosis


Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with aphasia and will be stepping away from his decades-long career, his family announced Wednesday.

Aphasia is a medical condition that can affect a person’s ability to speak, write and understand language, both verbal and written, according to the Mayo Clinic. It typically occurs after a stroke or a head injury.

“To Bruce’s amazing supporters, as a family we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities,” the 67-year-old’s family wrote in a statement shared to each of their Instagram accounts, adding that he will be “stepping away from the career that has meant so much to him.”

“This is a really challenging time for our family and we are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion and support,” the family continued. “We are moving through this as a strong family unit, and wanted to bring his fans in because we know how much he means to you, as you do to him.


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26 Comments on Bruce Willis With Devastating Diagnosis

  1. I like him.
    I Don’t really know his politics, his films were fun, and Demi was a hot piece before the Crazy Hit The Floor & Went Everywhere.

    Good Luck & Yippie Ki Yay Motherfucker!

  2. I met him when he was doing DIE HARD: WITH A VENGEANCE,I was on the crew that cleaned up after they filmed on the Grace Manorial bridge’s in Charleston SC. And there was a lot to clean up.
    What a bitch.

  3. Enjoyed his work ever since I saw him on Miami Vice about a million years ago (don’t know if that was before or after the detective TV series he did).
    Will say a prayer for him.

  4. Bruce has moved away from conventional religion. He use to be Lutheran until stopped believing in it. He has said that he understands why religion existed in the past, but now because of science we don’t need it anymore. Although he was once Lutheran he now says that “Modern religion is the end trail of modern mythology”.

    That’s all I need to know about him to decide.

  5. P.S. I wonder if he’ll change his mind about believing after his devastating diagnosis? Prognosis for his disease is:

    Primary progressive aphasia (uh-FAY-zhuh) is a rare nervous system (neurological) syndrome that affects your ability to communicate. People who have it can have trouble expressing their thoughts and understanding or finding words. Symptoms begin gradually, often before age 65, and worsen over time.Dec 27, 2018

  6. Bruce’s “Once Upon A Time In Venice” is possibly the funniest movie ever. The scene where he’s concealing a pistol while riding down the street on a skateboard is worth the price of admission alone. John Goodman is in it too.

  7. I’ve always thought of him as the closest our generation was going to get to a John Wayne. Probably the highest compliment I could give. It’s funny though because he didn’t strike me that way until the Die Hard movies. I didn’t even like him in Moonlighting. Of course I was one of the few who didn’t like that series at all.

  8. I didn’t care for him in ‘Moonlighting’ either, was a little too smirky in that role. As he matured and started balding, he played the scrappy mutt type well, like his role in ‘Pulp Fiction.’ One of the few who can pull off a comedy role or a bad ass, or both. I wish him well.

  9. Sad to hear.
    He was one of the last remaining Hollywood actors that I could watch without expecting him to throw leftist garbage in the movies or during events.
    Best wishes for speedy recovery.

  10. I loved him in”moonligjtimmg”. Tome he was the star. Wife thinks Im “dinku dolw”!

    Bruce is not as conservative as
    ‘tool Guy” but a don man.


    My fav Christmas movie is _ (fill in th blank)2nd fav stars someone more conservative than Bruce, Walt Disney’s favorite young actor. “Christmas Chronicles”. Been an Elvis fan for 67 years; a Walt fan for 77 years – clearly biased.

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