Brutal Rowlette Teen Attacker Now In Custody – IOTW Report

Brutal Rowlette Teen Attacker Now In Custody

Police Say Attack Was “Premeditated”.

The victim went to school with the suspect, but they only knew each other in passing. Police say the two had a minor altercation during the school year, but nothing major.

Investigators believe the teens just happened to cross paths at a playground at Herfurth Elementary School in Rowlett, where the video was recorded. [TheLastRefuge]

rowlette texas beating

21 Comments on Brutal Rowlette Teen Attacker Now In Custody

  1. Her black friend, the asshole dancing, the asian holding the phone camera, and the person filming this incident should all do jail time also. You people all witness something that’s not right and choose to do nothing about it.

  2. This is the problem I have with “diversity.” And I won’t be guilt-tripped into not calling a savage a savage. O’Bummer can stick his social engineering policies up his well-worn ass.

  3. That baby had a very large gash on the forehead that continued over almost to the ear. I hope the attacker gets shanked in prison. People like that should not be given the chance to do it again.
    That child is traumatized for life.

  4. SAFARI PRINCIPLE? Civilized behavior in a civilized society whould supercede such savagery by enforcing the law.

    That would make more sense. The Baltimore ‘GIVE THEM ROOM TO DESTROY’ didn’t work out so well.

  5. 2nd post down at CH:
    texasgypsy53 says:
    June 29, 2015 at 12:56 am
    I can. 13 year olds aren’t the same as they use to be. They have been turned into animals early. Well, some,anyway. This country took away the children’s innocence. God will repay in kind.

    Liked by 6 people
    ^^^ 2nd post down at CH

  6. Gee, and they wonder why some white people cross the street when they see a black person walking towards them. And of course, the police are quick to point out this wasn’t a hate crime…before they knew any other facts of the case.

  7. The Rowlett authorities will either cut the PC crap and prosecute everyone involved TO THE EXTENT THE LAW ALLOWS or Rowlett will follow in the Detroit model and “white flight” will drain Rowlett of responsible, civilized families. It was not “white flight” that occurred in Detroit, it was white, black, brown and all other colors of people who were not inclined to live in a jurisdiction run by savages that took place.

    What was left was largely an ungovernable mob of criminals and savages and a minority of people to stupid to get out before it was too late.

  8. Had that been my child attacked, that would be one less black lie that mattered and one more story about a white supremacist lashing out. I would chase that nut back to the tree from which it fell from grace.


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