Brutal Video From Afghanistan Airport in Aftermath of Suicide Bombing – IOTW Report

Brutal Video From Afghanistan Airport in Aftermath of Suicide Bombing

This is not a partisan comment. Biden must resign over this.

He has lost the confidence of the entire world. He is not fit for this job,. He never was.

His geopolitical acumen has been 100% wrong. He is a danger.

The left thought it would be clever to ratfuck Trump. Look at what they have done.

Biden is done.

See story HERE

ht/ c. steven tucker

44 Comments on Brutal Video From Afghanistan Airport in Aftermath of Suicide Bombing

  1. This surprises no one.

    It’s what they DO.

    It’s who they ARE.

    Pedo’s masters know that.

    Pedo’s masters WANT that for US.

    …get ready for September 11th.

    I’m sure the Talis will spend the 10 days after we leave preparing a SUPER going-away present to de distributed nationwide via Afgan ‘refugees’…

  2. No reason to resign over this as opposed to all of the intentional things he has done so far. And by ‘he’ I really mean Joe’s puppet masters.
    Resignation will be a matter of Jill, oops, DOCTOR Jill, holding out against any who would prefer the cackler be up there. And either way it’s irrelevant.

  3. This Nightmare is making Benghazi look like a summer picnic. Agreed Biden must go and all the “Intelligence Services” from the joint chiefs on down need to be hosed out by congress. The entire executive branch of government has failed in the only basic reason for its existence… National Security.

  4. With any luck maybe we’ll wake up one morning and find out that Jackass Joe and his crooked-ass, perverted family all bugged out to Beijing! Isn’t that what most despots do when they find their tit in the ringer?

  5. If we work through via the theory that President Puddingbrain isn’t making the decisions and that obongo and ValJar are the ones calling the shots, then it’s not a heavy lift to see that this whole shitshow is intentional. So long as someone gives Joey an ice cream cone, he’ll do and say what he’s told to.
    Someone needs to bring up obongo and the cabal he leads to justice.

  6. “if you get rid of joe and the hoe you get piglosi.” Great, our current leadership has nothing going for it except for a love of ice cream. I feel so much better now.

  7. Brad is correct. Fully orchestrated with a truly bumbling Victor Biden Borge playing and falling over what keys he is told to play.

    US ‘Political’ Intel Theater Troupe

  8. It’s amazing that Obama f*cked up Syria, and Europe ended up flooded with refugees. Trump comes in, defeats ISIS, starts no new wars, initiates actual Middle-East peace accords. Biden is in for less than a year–f*cks up Afghanistan (the “good” war), and Europe will again pay the price in refugees.

  9. This is what we need alright, China and the Taliban becoming friends. The Taliban better watch out for the ChiComs though. They might be worse allies than we are. The ChiComs could easily march a couple million men in to to take whatever they want and the Taliban might try and fight them but China’s pure numbers will overwhelm them. And from we’ve seen China doesn’t care much about muslims.

  10. Keep in mind, we abandoned an air field out in the middle of no where, very easy to defend, and decided to make our stand in the middle of Kabul. A very large city. Fucking crey crey.

  11. Nothing will happen.
    Biden ain’t going anywhere.
    Don’t kid yourselves.
    Hate to be this way but President Pedo Senility is way too protected….
    All part of the plan.
    Prepare to defend your very life.
    Lock n load.
    God help US ALL!

  12. Friends, it is far worse than Joe Biden and the cabal behind him. The progressive movement exists for the purpose of intentionally increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death and that is a stone cold natural fact. So long as a critical mass concedes good intentions to the satanic bastards they will continue to undermine and destroy the best hope innocents have ever had for improving lives of people suffering real oppression throughout the world. Namely America.

    That is their end game at this point and has been for a century now. To focus on the day to day atrocities w/o tying in everything they are responsible for up to that point is a huge mistake. I could post a whole litany of wicked and evil regimes they have supported as then gained momentum, rose in stature and attained control only to exponentially increase that which they were supposedly fighting against. This filthy disgusting subhuman worldview was populated by degenerates in Europe and the United States who were unabashed supporters on National Socialists under Hitler and they only quit their support for the Nazis after Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa and attacked an even more efficient engine of innocent human suffering, misery and death. The Soviets under Stalin.

  13. From what I just saw we lost 11 Marines and 1 Navy Corpman killed (now a corpseman) to these murdering pisslamic bastards today. And fucking joey and the joint chiefs won’t do jack shit about it. It’s time for these jackasses running the country to get the full Mussolini treatment. As a veteran, this stinks to high hell and needs to be atoned for before it gets worse.

  14. Guess what Sportsman’s, Kamala would have made this clusterfuck look like a monumental success in comparison. That is what the Biden faction w/in the Administration is banking on and why they went with her. Everyone’s with a rudimentary brain recognizes that her choice was the Biden faction’s insurance policy against internecine fighting within they who have taken over by deceit.

    This is so far beyond even an everyday Biden goat rodeo that all bets are off and the old codger has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel at this point.

  15. Not in the least surprised, this current administration has to be the most selfish and incompetent batch of idiots I’ve ever seen. Did they really think that the goat fornicators were just going to let them waltz their way out of there after they took over the country?

  16. They did this deliberately, thinking they would be inducted into the Progressive Movement Hall of Fame for so humiliating America. What they didn’t count on is the progressive movement abandoning them when things played out the only way they could and the progressive leadership stuck its finger up to test the political winds.

  17. @Brad: From your article, China shares a border with Afghanistan in an area that is controlled by the Uighurs. China was clamping down on the Uighurs before this. They must have known this was coming. They either helped in the voter fraud, or knew ahead of time it was going to happen. Slow Joe ducked out of Afghanistan in the middle of the night to facilitate the Taliban takeover, and throw all those ore deposits to the Chinese. Then, you combine it with green mandates, and now we have to buy those metals from the Chinese. All planned.

  18. china controls the flow of water (rivers) into pakistan now, with all their dams. They are dictating argicultural policiess there, and china gets priority/first. pakistan has no choice.
    Did/do the same thing with the Mekong. Hold back, flood, they do it all.
    They’re working on reducing flows into India.
    next few years are going to be interesting.


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