Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana, and the press trying to keep it quiet – IOTW Report

Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana, and the press trying to keep it quiet

American Thinker:

The last of the Louisiana state election numbers are in, and it’s not pretty for the Democrats.

Not only does its moderate Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, face a runoff, as noted here, but the state Senate has taken a supermajority.  And a whole bunch of key state offices went squarely to Republicans.  Funny how the press isn’t covering this much.

But Guy Benson at Townhall is, and he found a Democratic Party “decimated“:

Among statewide office-holders, the incumbent GOP Lieutenant Governor (68 percent), Attorney General (66 percent), Treasurer (60 percent, and Agricultural Commissioner (58 percent) were all re-elected without the need for a run-off, under the state’s ‘jungle primary’-style system.  It also appears that the solid Republican majorities in both state legislative chambers will remain intact — with the GOP expanding its Senate advantage into super-majority territory by picking up a pair of Democratic seats:

The Hill, which also had a look, but ran an anodyne headline that didn’t match the content of its three-alarm fire for Democrats, noted that this Democrat loss came in a special election, and those normally don’t draw large numbers of voters, but this one did.

And not only did the Republicans take a Senate supermajority, but they almost snapped away the state House, too: MORE

11 Comments on Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana, and the press trying to keep it quiet

  1. Larry’s seen the light!

    Go Larry!

    D’OH! D’OH! D’OH! D’OH! D’OH! D’OH! D’OH! D’OH! DrOH! DrOp!
    DrOH! DrUp! DrUm! Drup! DruH! DruM! TrOm! TrOm! Trum! Trum!
    Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trum!


  2. Louisiana held an election, and some people did some things. We cannot in good conscience show it to you. Politics ain’t beanbag, but it isn’t supposed to be this either. We all need to play a role in not rewarding this kind of politics.

  3. Yep; I was glad to vote on Saturday. I did NOT vote for Governor Ackbar, the nickname for the Democrat Party Governor Jon Bel Edwards. Seriously, he looks like that damn squid from Star Wars. “It’s A Trap!”

    Well, Gov Ackbar couldn’t withstand the firepower of the magnitude of a Trump rally.


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