Buchanan: ‘Trend Worldwide’ is National Sovereignty, Not Bush’s ‘New World Order’ – IOTW Report

Buchanan: ‘Trend Worldwide’ is National Sovereignty, Not Bush’s ‘New World Order’

Breitbart: Populist conservative author and columnist Pat Buchanan says the “trend worldwide” is toward President Trump’s worldview of national sovereignty and away from the Bush dynasty’s desired “New World Order.”

During a panel discussion on The McLaughlin Group, Buchanan said in response to Trump’s anti-globalism, pro-Americanism speech at the United Nations last week that the president is leading the trend worldwide.

“The trend worldwide now is not towards George W. Bush, H.W. Bush, New World Order, it’s not towards global democracy, it’s not toward transnationalism anymore, it’s not towards institutions like the [World Trade Organization],” Buchanan said.

“All around the world, tribalism, nationalism, sovereignty, these are becoming issues,” Buchanan continued. “What’s driving these is people’s want to be … you know like ‘Let Poland be Poland,’ and also the trade issues. And this is where the world is going whether we like it or now, [Trump’s] correct.” more here

6 Comments on Buchanan: ‘Trend Worldwide’ is National Sovereignty, Not Bush’s ‘New World Order’

  1. Pat! Give GWB’s good bud Obama some credit! Both bush and Obama pushed the NWO!

    And based on the 45 min GWB spent “chit chatting” with MRs. O at the funeral – they are still plotting to subjugate us to the NWO!

  2. Do I feel less safe or more safe now that globalization is being stifled?
    More safe.
    More prosperous.
    More optimistic.
    What is that globalism bullshit supposed to do for me and my fellow Americans???

  3. Contradictions, that’s what I see.
    I thought the left was all about ‘diversity.’ And yet nations are not supposed to maintain their uniqueness and diversity, which in essence is their identity. The identity that causes immigrants to illegally enter other countries to gain a part of. No, forget about that, they must mean the ‘other’ diversity, what ever that is. They would rather have everything devolve into a singular, homogenous cesspool of socialism.
    I’ll do an absentee vote of NO for that one, thank you. If I have to, I’ll vote in person, but they’ll be surprised how nasty a voter I can be.
    Don’t make me get off my sofa, dammit!

  4. I remember Old Dude Booosh started pushing that NWO crap back when he was prez even before clinton.

    I also hear the WHO plans to name a newly discovered STD after Bill Clinton!


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