Wanna Budler? – IOTW Report

Wanna Budler?

The worlds two largest brewers, AB InBev (Budweiser brand) and SABMiller (Miller High Life and Lite Beer brands) are going to merge for a combined global market share of 31%. The next nearest competitor, Heineken, would have 9% of the world market share.


SABMiller had turned down five previous offers but finally settled on a price of around $106 billion.



20 Comments on Wanna Budler?

  1. yeah it is, isn’t it. Some people love Coke and hate Pepsi and some hate Coke and love Pepsi.

    I think Budweiser and Miller are very similar to that with regard to personal preferences.

    I hope they don’t mess with the beer though. I like Miller Light and don’t like any of the Bud brews.

  2. Doesn’t surprise me. Lagunitas, a very successful craft brewer swore up and down for years it would never give in to big corporate. Last month Heinicrap bought Lagunitas.

    I buy Millwaukees Beast Light as a house beer, I’d go broke buying anything else. Not uncommon for a 30 pack to be bought in the afternoon and nearly gone by midnight, yes I have help. I’ll buy Miller Lite as a replacement, it’s basically the same stuff, it just costs more.

    I’m cheap but I do splurge on craft brews frequently, however it’s difficult to pay $20 for a 12 pack when I can get a 30 pack for $14.

  3. One of the best things about beer is all the varieties, especially the micro-brews. Whenever I travel I like to have a local brew that I’ve never had before. I have a pretty wide range of taste when it comes to beer and while I’ve never been a Miller fan, as odd as it might sound a cold Bud on a hot day is refreshing.
    Calling it a Budler tho sounds pretty Gay.

  4. I always bought Milwaukee’s Best light too, until one day when the liquor store was out of it, so I bought some Old Milwaukee light instead. I think it’s a bit better than Milwaukee’s best, it’s less bitter and a little smoother. You’re never going to fool me into spending more money on “craft” beers. Six dollars or more for a six pack? Come on! In Wisconsin, we have this shit called Spotted Cow. Foulest shit I ever drank bar none. (Except for other “craft” beers.) For fun, try doing blind taste tests with your friends with “craft” (crap) beers against national brews like Bud or Miller. The national brands will win at least 75% of the time.

  5. I haven’t seen Old Mil Light but have had plenty of Old Mil. Schlitz went back to the original recipe, it’s good! I have a whole group of friends that only have parties filled with craft, I bring The Beast and they’re always grabbing some.

    But these folks do know the difference, they know hop types by taste and name. While pricey, I too am developing the palate and can tell the difference, it is a nice change now and then. I had a Ballast Point Habanero Sculpin a couple weeks ago, as odd as it was I’m kind of craving another.

  6. i will drink ANY beer that’s handed to me (even a warm hamm’s), but i won’t buy bud or bud light. or miller lite. i like high life, but haven’t purchased it in a couple years (too gassy). i hope lagunitas stays true to form after selling to heinekin. lil’ sumpin sumpin is gooooood.

  7. yes “Beast Light” is fine. I remember fondly many college parties where the trash can of ice water was filled with a seemingly endless supply of “Beast Light.”

    Is Fat Tire considered a craft beer? Or is it just a regional beer? That stuff is very good.

  8. Unions fukced themselves again… this is just one to way keep the white collar jobs in Omerica while offshoring the “brewing” to a third world hell hole. Seems to me the SAB stood for South American Brewing

  9. I don’t understand why people still drink that crap. Sure it’s cheap, but it tastes like shit, and at 2% or less you need to drink a case of it to feel anything. If I’m drinking two or three times as much, I’m not saving any money buying it.

    Besides, I can brew a 5 gallon batch of decent beer at home for about $35-40 bucks. That works out to about $0.70 per beer.

  10. Oddly, a can of Mils Beast Light is 4.2% ABV, so a little math.

    .042 x 12(ounces) = .504 ounce of alcohol

    Now let’s look at a simple shot of 80 proof (40% ABV) Jack Daniels.

    .40 x 1(ounce) = .40 ounce of alcohol

  11. I still miss Germany. The best beer, bar none, worldwide. And a different brewery in every town. And until lately, more types of beers than America had breweries. Pilsner, lager, dunkel (dark), double dunkel, holiday/Christmas, krystal weisen (my personal fave), hefe weisen, monk’s brau. I’m sure there are more, but that’s all I can remember for now. And all good, and no skimping on the alcohol or flavor. Anything less was kinder (children’s) bier. And some of the breweries have been around since calendars were counted in the triple digits.

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