Bumbler-in-Chief – IOTW Report


23 Comments on Bumbler-in-Chief

  1. America’s current problems are a result of a pig-eyed, stumbling, bumbling, demented, crooked-ass dim-bulb fixing stuff that wasn’t broken! Fuck Jackass Joe, The “Fixer” (“I not only rode the Crazy Train, I drove the Mutherfukker!”)

    Psssssssst – Jackass Joe’s password to everything is “Amnesia”

  2. Hey Wild Bill, Obumphuk’s first two terms were a disaster too. He’s oh-for-three to you and me, but batting a thousand to the communists he represents.

  3. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
    “Veni, Vidi, Vici”
    “They fight, they’re told, their freedoms’ right to save; but clearlier seen, t’is slave that fights with slave.”
    “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands …”
    “My shit’s weak.”
    “… the … you know … the thing!”

    Statesmanship? Oratory? Honesty?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The Demwits I talked to say it’s “normal” for a man his age to have a few forgetful moments.
    LOL! Huh! “A few!?” Then I say, President Trump doesn’t have those mental issues and he’s close in age to Biden.

    Typical Demwit response; Silence, changing of subject or agitation that I mentioned Dementia Joe’s obvious senility. Irony, a missing feature of the left.

  5. The only way he starts anything is with his threats, maybe?
    There is no way this rope a dope has the keys to anything but the hall bathroom is out of the question. But that still burns the house cleaners.
    You guys know he’s runs nothing but his mouth.
    OfCome on man.


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