Burning Bush— California ‘Church’ Shut Down After Police Discover Marijuana Dispensary – IOTW Report

Burning Bush— California ‘Church’ Shut Down After Police Discover Marijuana Dispensary

Christian Post – The Divine Church of Gardens in Laguna Beach, California, was shut down by police after it was discovered to be a front for a marijuana dispensary.

Police seized over 20 pounds of marijuana and more than $3,000 in cash at the multi-unit office park where the so-called church was located.

The Laguna Beach Police Department explained in a post to their Facebook page on Monday that the bust took place on Jan. 12 when a pedestrian reported “a heavy smell of marijuana and saw several people leaving the location with white bags.”  read more

10 Comments on Burning Bush— California ‘Church’ Shut Down After Police Discover Marijuana Dispensary

  1. Well, there’s this: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/21/auto-crashes-are-on-the-rise-in-marijuana-states.html

    I’ll cut to the chase:
    “After crunching the numbers, the institute said collision claims since marijuana was legalized are up 16 percent in Colorado, 6.2 percent in Washington and 4.5 percent in Oregon. Colorado has had legal pot sales the longest and it is showing the greatest effect,” said Moore. “Meanwhile, Oregon has had pot sales for the shortest amount of time, so its increase is the lowest, but that could change over time.”

  2. Is the Divine Church of Gardens sacrament Doritoes along with Jumbo Jacks or Big Macs or Whoppers and tacos and Dr. Pepper instead of wine? Talk about communion, let’s have a moronic convergence, OM, with Sitar music (I hate Ravi Shankar’s music) playing in the background. They really should call themselves The 1st Church of The Divine Buzz. And Mr. Natural could be their mascot or mess I ah.

  3. And they could use Robert Crumb’s unholy extremely pornographic Bible as their scripture. Why not, the stoners who attend and who go to this so called church wouldn’t know the difference. And to think I thought R. Crumb was funny once upon a time many moons ago. Boy was I ever gullible and stupid but fortunately I grew out of that crap for good.

  4. And in the unholy hymnal of The 1st Church of The Divine Buzz one could find One Toke Over The Line by brewer and Shipley, Jesus Is Just All Right With Me by The Doobie Brothers, the score to Jesus Christ Superstar etc. etc., all the less than one hit wonders of the 70’s describing their momentary infatuation with Jesus. And Janis Joplin singing Oh Lord, Won’t You Buy Me A Mercedes Benz.

  5. Noe folks, youse is stepping on some serious religious people here – their church is right next door to the “man-boy love church” and the “Church of the Divine Carpet munchers” and the “Church of the progressive jerk.”

  6. Legally, a church is whatever the members say it is and if MJ is their sacrament, the law has no say in the matter. Just like under-age children being served wine in a Christian church.

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