Burning Man Attendees Complain of Chemical Burns on Their Feet – IOTW Report

Burning Man Attendees Complain of Chemical Burns on Their Feet


So much for ‘radical inclusion’ and ‘radical self-reliance’ – two of the ‘ten tenants’ of Burning Man. ‘Burners’ brawled during their exodus from the muddy hellhole in the Nevada desert this week.

Burning Man is a yearly drug-infested music and art festival in Northern Nevada in Black Rock City. According to reports, this year’s Burning Man was exceptionally degenerate and dubbed the “wildest festival of the year.”

Monsoonal storms moved into the Nevada desert over the weekend and flooded out the festival. Things descended into chaos at the utopian event as rumors of an Ebola outbreak spread through the camp.

The full porta-potties left a foul odor lingering at the camp.

27 Comments on Burning Man Attendees Complain of Chemical Burns on Their Feet

  1. “You want to take my rainbow and turn it into an abominable symbol of your debauchery? I’ll GIVE you rainbows!” ~ God Almighty, Lord of lords and King of kings

    (I wonder how many people are itching and burning ALL OVER because they thought rolling around in the mud was so natural, playful and child-like. Nothing quite like seeing an obese, later-aged man with tattoos rolling in the mud. Ugh. No sense a’tall.)

  2. Similar to Sodom. Only wetter. That Creator of ours! Quite the sense of humor of the ironic type and in such a timely fashion. The downpour was right in the beginning and lasted as long as needed to send them all packing.
    I didn’t read what happened to their mocking tower, they named it the Chapel of Babel and it was a tower to be burned at midnight last night. it was still planned as of early yesterday. I hope Jesus kept the rain for that evil event. A damper on their “fun” at the end.

  3. Religious irony aside, what strikes me most is the unpreparedness of the attendees. Not to mention the lack of awareness of the surrounding environmentnor the hubris in thinking someone else will take care of you. These folks are cannon fodder at best. Never understimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

  4. The first thing I thought when I saw the video of a fat guy wallowing in the mud NAKED, and a female doing the same was disease. Lots of bad diseases are found in dirt, including what they went there for…to get burned. They better get checked for pin worms.

  5. Every one of those goofy bastards who attend Burning Man in the future should have to post a $20,000 bond to cover the cost of cleanup when it’s over. If you trash the place and haul ass without cleaning up after yourself, you forfeit the bond money.

  6. God really didn’t have to do anything special to spoil these evil pagans festivities. The real science God created automatically kicked into gear. Especially when consequences are blatantly ignored.

    Parasites, viruses and bacteria love wet mud and skin – the combo means infection, multiple sexual partners increase chances of contagious venereal diseases, Porta potties overflow with contaminated waste, not having enough drinking water or food means dehydration/starvation…and worshipping Satan guarantees a hot spot in Hell and actually becoming a burning man for eternity. Ok, that last one is spiritual, but the decision is made using a corrupt physical brain and heart.
    Also, still after a torrential rain, the atmosphere produced a rainbow – science and a sign of God’s mercy.

    BTW, no lessons learned by this bunch of Satan lovers. They completely their burning man ritual which included fireworks. Idiots.


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