Bush era out, America First in: Party leaders describe the new GOP, populism and grassroots – IOTW Report

Bush era out, America First in: Party leaders describe the new GOP, populism and grassroots

JTN: The Republican Party has gone through a transformation over the years, from economic prosperity and a Cold War with the Soviet Union under former President Reagan, to post 9/11 legislation and conflict in Afghanistan and the Middle East under President George W. Bush, and now the “America First” populist movement under President Donald Trump. 

The GOP took a populist turn with Trump in 2016 when the former president ran on issues such as bringing back manufacturing jobs from overseas and building a wall on the southern border. 

“Conservative ideals are really American ideals,” Arizona GOP Senate candidate Kari Lake told Just the News. “I think we are growing that and the reason it [the GOP] is becoming a big tent and growing is because President Trump has found a way to connect with the American people and explain these problems.”

According to UVA Center for Politics, roughly nine million voters who voted for former President Obama in 2012 cast their vote for Trump in 2016. more

26 Comments on Bush era out, America First in: Party leaders describe the new GOP, populism and grassroots

  1. Remember the book, “The Emerging Republican Majority” (1969 by Kevin P. Phillips)?

    Yeah. Don’t get your hopes up about the Republican party this time, unless they’re willing to:

    Abolish the FED
    Establish the National Bank of The United States and a precious metals-backed currency
    Phase-out Medicare
    Phase-out Social Security
    Throw-out the Department of Education
    Trash the Department of Energy
    Hang the Food and Drug Administration
    Prosecute members of the CDC and re-write its charter
    Prosecute dozens at the DOJ and FBI
    Hang Hillary Clinton
    Imprison Barack Obama and many members of his administration
    Tell George W. Bush to hang himself and supply the rope.

    (That’s enough for now. I could go on. Feel free to add more…)

  2. Good riddance to all the gutless, weenie, linguini spined, elite Ivy league educated upper crust snob RINO’s. And bring back the real conservatism of Ronald Reagan and no more Bushes, Romneys, neo cons and the others who are all part of the uniparty working for the destruction of America as it was founded. The GOP needs to be the party of Lincoln once again and work for the good of all Americans and not toward its downfall. United we stand, divided we fall. Let America once again be the land of the free and the home of the brave with liberty and justice for all Americans. And may God help us against the feckless so-called leadership we are experiencing now under the control and authority of the damn democraps and the most worthless/useless/corrupt illegal President of the US ever joek bidumb. FJB, the democraps, RINO’s etc.

  3. Isn’t it interesting that being America First is somehow derogatory in our current society?
    Bizarre to elect an American President and then watch the pretenders deride the man for doing his job for the American people first.
    LiarsFraudsHypocrites versus Truth. There are only two kinds of people. Those who Love,seek and live the truth and everyone else…
    God Bless DJT2024.

  4. LIP SERVICE… nothing more.

    There is only one way out tyranny and neither side of the pretend aisle is gonna offer it to We the People. If we want freedom, we will TAKE freedom.

  5. Thinking that the Republican Party can “win” against the globalists is unrealistic. Especially when it’s known that far too many that call themselves Republicans are globalists themselves.

    We’re caught up in a massive psyop. We’re told we’re winning just as often as is deemed necessary to keep the hope alive. Democrats convinced their voters for many, many decades that raising their voters standards of living was just one election away. The poor and downtrodden believed it and pulled the Dem lever in each and every election. The step up to the middle class never happened and the Dems blamed the Republicans for that, even though the Dems had total control.

    Democrats weren’t and aren’t interested in raising the poor up. You elevate the poor and the next thing you know they decide that they don’t need the Democrats. What the Dems need are more of the poor and they have them streaming over the border by the millions.

    The Republicans are playing us in the same manner but in a manner tailored to our interests. The psyop ends when We the People decide it’s time to form a new government. Our founders anticipated that it would eventually become necessary.

  6. “the “America First” populist movement under President Donald Trump.” Thanks to the Uni party RINOs who fought Trump all the way, feeding false allegations to the news media and working with the The Socialist Democrats. Biden’s socialists won, everybody is first except America.

    Now the GOP can’t even find a Speaker of the House because of the Uniparty RINOS.

    Yeah, OK, american first, as long as the RINOs continue to tax, spend, start endless wars and sacrificing our military youth and increase our debt and inflation.


    Much of what you propose was attempted but the first “America First’ President. The “populist” who won 2 LANDSLIDE elections! Ronny, unlike politicians in general, said what he meant, and meant what he said!

    They were all blocked by the man Al Gore honestly described in the VP debates – 1996 – as “The most liberal man in Congress the last 50 years!”!
    The UNIPARTY candidate for whom I did not vote in 1966!

    These are a few of the things Ronny proposed that lefty Bob Dole stymied:

    Abolish Medicare, abolish Dept Ed, defund the UN, defund NPR,…

    He wanted to kill Nixon’s EPA; but was advised the “Bush Republicans” would “rebel!

    The GOP wing of the UNIPARTY has been protecting GWB’s acolyte BHO for 15 years. Led by the lefty you think should “hang himself”; which I support.

  8. PS 8 straight years Populist tried to kill Medicare and Ed dept. 8 straight years Dole stymied him! Dole, like Piere Delecto, lied about being conservative!

    I voted for neither liar!

  9. This is funny. The very next post in today’s selection is about how there are 9 Repuklicans in the running for Speaker of the House. After they blew off the only one that has even a remote claim about being America first, Jim Jordan. If nothing else, he would have pissed off all the trannies, homos, negroes, and illegal aliens, which is always the right thing to do.

  10. If you say so it must be true. It is no longer the “GOP” party. Party of the fallen one. See just how long this lasts. Maybe tomorrow or the next day? Isn’t this exactly what he wanted? Be very very careful what you wish for, for you might get not wanted to. Blame it on the Dems, that’s what children do, point fingers, stump their feet, cry for their mommy from their basement sanctuary. Oh lord, have mercy on my poor forsaken is more like it. See reality has gone by the wayside & it has turned into a child’s popularity wetdream. Grownups will take command as soon as the children are spanked real good!!!

  11. “This is funny. The very next post in today’s selection is about how there are 9 Repuklicans in the running for Speaker of the House.”

    Isn’t it though? And if we’re lucky enough for Trump to even be able to run, people in the RINO districts need to vote the assholes out. America First needs to get more organized. If the FBI will let them.

  12. ol ex Jarhd – appreciate your elaborations. I left out canning the UN and the EPA. And then there’s the Bureau of Land Management!!

    Someone cut me off! Holy mother of God, how I loathe our Federal Government.


    A famous Whig was “primaried” 6 straight elections, 1842,44,46,48,50 52 – by republicans.Can you name him

    Hint In the 1864 campaign he said, ” I thing government is bad freedom is good; therefore I am a Liberal”!

    Hint #2

    Dim witts wit Ivy League degrees say this man who lost 6 elections to GOP was “flounder of GOP?!@#$?

    I am biased

    I have no kin with Ivy League backgrounds

  14. My dad’s next older brother went to Yale on the GI Bill after World War 2. I’m not sure what his degree was in, but he was a master photographer, printer, millwright and jack of all trades who could do anything and build just about everything with his skilled hands. He definitely was not your typical Ivy league Graduate but a member of the greatest generation who got lucky enough to receive a good old school education at Yale. He was also very artistic and was a master artist at working with making art out of any kind of scrap steel using a plasma cutter and welding skills with metal that he obtained from his millwright jobs. And he was also a tremendous gardener as well. They definitely don’t make Yale graduates like that anymore. Ol Jarhead, correct me if I am wrong but you’re definitely talking about Abraham Lincoln


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