Business Group Promises 300,000 Job Openings If Trump Enforces Immigration Laws – IOTW Report

Business Group Promises 300,000 Job Openings If Trump Enforces Immigration Laws

Breitbart: A lobbying group for wealthy investors predicts that 300,000 new jobs will be opened for Americans and legal immigrants in the months up to the November 2018 election if Congress allows enforcement of existing immigration laws.

The group’s promise of 300,000 open jobs recognizes that employers must hire Americans and legal immigrants as Trump gradually ends the DACA amnesty created by former President Barack Obama. Roughly 300,000 of 690,000 illegals will lose their temporary work permits by November, and the remaining permits will expire in 2018

However, the investors’ group portrays the 300,000 job openings as a problem, in part, because it is trying to win a strategic victory in immigration policy.

15 Comments on Business Group Promises 300,000 Job Openings If Trump Enforces Immigration Laws

  1. I want to interrupt this program to give you a serious message;
    I’ve been trying to speak with MARK LEVIN for years on his show at
    877 381 3811. I finally got through tonight at about 7.20 pm.
    I told the guy who I was and would like to speak to Mark Levin.
    He asked me a question which I didn’t understand and asked him to repeat it. He hung up on me. OK Mark if that’s the type of shit employees you have, bored to shit assholes, then you have lost me.
    Imagine 3 or 4 years trying to get through and I get this asshole?

  2. Joe. I was going to tell him that I love his show, that I subscribe to CRTV, that I have all of his books, that I support Hillsdale college, and that we live in a Kakistrocracy, and it is not Trump’s fault. Our Senators and Congressmen, most of them are sssholes, ignorant motherfuckers who don’t know the time of day.
    Naw, I wouldn’t have said all that, but the point that the asshole cut me off, just pisses me off. What kind of dickbrains does he have working for him. Are they LEGAL?

  3. Joe 6. Thank you bro, now I don’t feel like an asshole. You have to explain what you want to discuss and they just cut you off. They are bored idiots. Rush and Levin don’t seem to realize that their best supporters and best questioners are being cut down by a jerk who is just bored answering the phucikin’ p-0hone

  4. It really pisses me off when I call. I’ve been trying for years, always wanting to say something that I feel is important, to me and the world, but can never get through. But I have to listen to some idiot that Levin cuts off or Rush brushes off, but I can’t get through. And when I do get through after years of trying I get cut off by a bored sounding asshole with no real interest an any topic.

    Phuckem all. I’m finished with them.

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