Business People in the “Sharing Business” Learn a Lesson- Chinese Not Big on Sharing – IOTW Report

Business People in the “Sharing Business” Learn a Lesson- Chinese Not Big on Sharing

Chinese people are not big on sharing when they don’t have a government gun to their head. So much for communism.

Last month a “bike sharing” company went under when 90% of the bikes were stolen.

Now an umbrella sharing company which rolled out 300,000 “brollies” finds that the majority of them are missing.

ht/ the big owe

10 Comments on Business People in the “Sharing Business” Learn a Lesson- Chinese Not Big on Sharing

  1. We got stories way back when about the launch of sharing companies. No follow up stories offered.
    I suspect they didn’t fair any better here than they did in

    The whole idea is utopian, which never competes with human nature. Plus it’s usually done in leftist communities. Doomed from the start

  2. Socialists would Generaly Bring the Bikes back, and one would think if the Government told them to Communist’s would do the Same ?
    Could the Chinese Be Tired of getting Nothing, For their Slave-Like Labor ? If the Government Can’t Buy them their own Bike to Ride, Why Not Take it… They Have Virtually no other way to get the Bike !

  3. My dad clipped a picture out of the paper showing a huge pile of the bikes. At age 83, he didn’t give a shit about the blazingly obvious economics and human nature problems. There were some cool design features which intrigued him: forkless front wheel, plastic spokes and rims, and drive shafts instead of chains. Now he’s trying to find that bicycle here. Keeps him young.

    “Man, they said we better, accentuate the positive
    Eliminate the negative
    Latch on to the affirmative
    Don’t mess with Mister In-Between…”

  4. The City of Amsterdam municipal government tried the same with free sharing bicycles.
    Nice idea.
    Of course they all “disappeared”. They still turn up at flea markets all over Europe.
    A Dutch friend says he spottted one in Tanzania.

    Bernie Sanders was kicked out of two communes because he was a freeloader wouldn’t take his turn at shared household chores. Bum.

    Too bad Sharing doesn’t work beyond small tight groups.

  5. ^ Only small, tight groups, families – AKA enemy of the state, can be held to account. Bigger groups tend to get a little loosey-goosey around the fringes. As nearly anyone with a story about a cousin can attest.

  6. Ha ha! Love it.
    How many tax dollars were involved?
    I don’t really GAF when imbeciles waste their own money – but I am concerned when they waste mine.

    izlamo delenda est …

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