BUSTED: Proof DOJ Didn’t Care About Bruce Ohr Meeting Chris Steele Until IG Horowitz Found Out – IOTW Report

BUSTED: Proof DOJ Didn’t Care About Bruce Ohr Meeting Chris Steele Until IG Horowitz Found Out

Conservative Treehouse–Proving, once again, this is a well thought-out strategy, Chuck Grassley’s newest partly declassified version of the Graham-Grassley memo highlights the DOJ didn’t care about Bruce Ohr meeting with Christopher Steele until Inspector General Michael Horowitz found out.

Page #5 of the Grassley Memo (pg. 7 pdf), highlights the FBI interviewed DOJ Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr on November 22nd, and December 12th, 2016 [FD-302 Interview Notes], yet didn’t take any action about their discoveries until Inspector General Michael Horowitz found out and revealed the interviews on December 7th, 2017.

The FD-302 (FBI) interviews were conducted with Bruce Ohr on November 22nd and December 12th, 2016. As footnoted above.  However, it wasn’t until Horowitz revealed the information within those interviews (December 7th, 2017) that any action was taken?

Therein the ideology and political motive of the DOJ “small group” gets sunlight: MORE

26 Comments on BUSTED: Proof DOJ Didn’t Care About Bruce Ohr Meeting Chris Steele Until IG Horowitz Found Out

  1. In the immortal words of a guy dressed in blue & green who was watching the Super Bowl in Costco a couple years ago when the Seahawks were playing:

    Da wheels is coming off.

  2. Czar

    Look up the Standard Hotel. Then look and see who was on that helicopter that crashed in Huntington Beach. The check out who’s congressional district the Standard Hotel in L.A. is in. There just can’t be this many coincidences.

  3. B_B Oh yeah, Schiff’s turf. Wiping “evidence.”
    This is all like a bunch of detective, horror and spy novelists got together and decided to make us all live through it.
    Wadda life!

  4. AA
    Following Q requires some research because he is so cryptic. I find that you need to ignore all the crap that’s on youboob and Reddit and stick with the 4 Chan community. There’s a reason he or she posts there. They’re smart enough to figure it out. I believe he’s cryptic for plausible deniability.

    At any rate it’s better than any who dunnit you’ll ever read. But I’m 99.9 percent sold.

  5. Perhaps the one thing that pisses me off the most about this entire issue is that these cheapskate motherfuckers used the resources of the federal government, at no small expense to the taxpayers, to do their partisan attacks on a candidate for president they hated.

    They didn’t even have the decency to put their own money into torpedoing someone they hated. They used our money. Like true leftists.

  6. B_B
    Yes, saw what has to date been shown (readable enlargement of the middle smartphone)…BUT: I have NOT seen any “1 of 4” screen shots/posts which suggest “kill the President” or the such. Do you know of more at this point?

  7. Czar, AA,
    If you open that link to 4chan, go to the JPEG/post with the image of the three phones, click on the blue 6 digit number in the upper right of the frame, it takes you to the 4 Chan discussion group. The same with any drop there. If you choose to do this we’ll see you in about a week.

    It’s important to see what one of the Black Caucus member allegedly wrote.

  8. Czar

    Q posted frame 1. He was asking the 4 chan guys to retrieve the rest. There’s 4 cameras in those chambers and apparently there’s a Gov web site you can go to for public view and down load.

  9. Hmmm, the perfect description from a Navy Seal Instagram link now says:

    Sorry, this page isn’t available.
    The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram.

    Disappointed I missed it.

  10. Czar

    I think you need to go to the 4 Chan discussion to see what they found. It’s updated a lot. Last time I checked no one had down loaded the images from that Government site.

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