Buttigieg Rockets To Near-Tie With Sanders In New Hampshire; Biden Plummets – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Rockets To Near-Tie With Sanders In New Hampshire; Biden Plummets

Butigieg is the gay Jeb!

I think Buttigieg’s angle is to be low energy. I think he thinks the contrast with Trump’s high energy will be a winner.

It won’t be.


On Thursday evening, the latest WBZ/Boston Globe/Suffolk University daily tracking poll for the state of New Hampshire shows support for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg rapidly rising, with a 4% increase in just one day.

The poll, which is a “two-day rolling sample of 500 likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters” with a 4.4% margin of error, had surveyors read out a list featuring the Democratic candidates for president, then ask who respondents “would vote for or lean toward at this point.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) leads with 24% support, but Buttigieg comes in a very close second with 23% support. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) ranks third with 13% support, and former Vice President Joe Biden lands in fourth with 11%.

11% of respondents were also “undecided.”


23 Comments on Buttigieg Rockets To Near-Tie With Sanders In New Hampshire; Biden Plummets

  1. So when Slow Joe is forced to drop out, how can he still claim that Trump, (via the justice dept.) is “out to dig up dirt on his presidential opponent.” Or will the narrative then change to “Trump is motivated by revenge”?

  2. This confirms that the Democrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Freestuffers Party is heading for a brokered convention. When Sanders’ and Buttigieg’s supporters see their candidates cast aside by the real power brokers, the Milwaukee convention will resemble the Chicago convention in 1968. America is not ready for what these two fraudsters are selling, and Obama and Clinton will make sure they don’t become the nominee. How could this be better for President Donald J. Trump?

  3. I guess the media being forced to cover the growing scandal with the Biden’s in the Ukraine has put paid to Joe’s run at the big chair. I think @Marco’s right and the convention is heading toward a brokered one. I suspect it’s going to be Moose or Hillary being crowned regardless of what the two of them say. That may still not be enough to unite the Democrat Party.

  4. @ Marco FEBRUARY 7, 2020 AT 10:56 AM

    Democrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Freestuffers Party

    Back in the 1970’s I called them the Party of cowards, commies, sissies, fags, lezbos and goldbricks.

  5. Worse for the dems Mayor Pete is not going to turn out the black vote. Meanwhile Trump is appealing to blacks and pointing out all his achievements with justice reform, low unemployment etc. If Biden fades into the abyss they have a big problem with the black vote.


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