Buzzfeed Takes A Header, Takes The Rest Of The MSM Down With Them – IOTW Report

Buzzfeed Takes A Header, Takes The Rest Of The MSM Down With Them

Thursday night, Buzzfeed posted a story claiming that the president had ordered Michael Cohen to lie to congress about a development deal in Russia. The site famous for lists and cat videos based their story on two anonymous law enforcers who told them the Mueller team had corroborating documents.

The main smear media had a field day Friday declaring in near ecstasy that “if true” the president would be impeached. ย More

The dreams of removing the president all fell to pieces last night when the special council’s office released a statement declaring the Buzzfeed piece was “not accurate.” More


10 Comments on Buzzfeed Takes A Header, Takes The Rest Of The MSM Down With Them

  1. If there are no consequences, then no one has “gone down” with them.

    Just like no one was fired after Journ-O-List. It is still alive and well, they just learned their lesson about leaking. They are worse now than before.

  2. Even without the “Bzzfed” stuff, if you tell a lawyer to lie to Congress, is he (she, zhe, ze, it, il, elle, zel) under some moral compunction to do it?

    DID Cohen lie to Congress? Or did Cohen disobey his client’s instructions? DID Cohen alert Congress that he was lying to them? DID Cohen lie to his client? Or did Cohen simply tell his client that he refused to lie to Congress?

    Now, understand that I don’t follow this too closely, because, in my experience, the smell of BULLSHIT increases the closer you get to it, and I have no desire to shove my face into a big, steaming pile.
    But, seriously? Either Cohen or Bzzfed is the dumbest cluck in the henhouse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. ..does it bother anyone else that the guy quoted in the article, who is supposed to be a “Media Critic”, can say something like THIS…in an article about MEDIA LYING?!?

    ” Mueller’s office has been remarkably disciplined and leak-free, leaving hungry reporters little with which to work, other than the formal court documents, which hardly satisfies the news industry’s hefty appetite on this matter,โ€ McCall said.”

    …did you see that? “Mueller’s office has been remarkably disciplined and leak-free…”.

    And Barry’s administration was scandal-free, too.

    Words fail me about how very, very WRONG that is…

  4. “If there are no consequences, then no one has โ€œgone downโ€ with them.”

    The whole Buzzfeed thing was to distract from Bruce Ohr’s devastating testimony, and it also managed to allow the media to pivot away from the cataclysmic owning of Pelosi. And then to top it all off with a Special Counsel disavowal issued during the Friday Afternoon Media Memory Hole, with bonus Holiday Weekend for added obscurity. Buzzfeed is the media’s go-to kamikaze. Buzzfeed has no shame nor fear of lawsuits, because their patrons will always find a fed judge to protect them. All in all, it was textbook execution of leftist tactics, and it did what it was supposed to do.

  5. Seems the yellow press is working overtime to best the The National Enquirer’s take down of a Dim darling John Edwards.
    Remember how “they” all screamed fake news then?
    It was hilarious, guess Rielle Hunter was #MeToo, before there was one.


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