Buzzkill – IOTW Report



One of the foremost experts on alcohol and longevity has revealed the exact amount of days, months and years booze shaves off your life.

And the results may surprise people. 

An average of just two drinks per week — bottles of beers, regular glasses of wine, or a couple of shots of liquor — across a lifetime can shorten one’s life by just three to six days.

Consuming one drink per day slashes two and half months off a person’s life. More

27 Comments on Buzzkill

  1. And there it is…
    We need new control laws and warning labels.
    Obviously being a drunk will kill you. Heart attack, cirrhosis, whatever.
    A glass of wine now and then is fine but alcohol is the most abused drug on the planet.
    Self control and free will decisions and self responsibility do not need to be handed over to the govt.

  2. A 78 year old guy goes to his doctor and says ‘Doc – I want to live longer! What do I need to do???’
    Doc says ‘Do you drink whiskey? Do you smoke cigars? Do you have sex? Do you play golf?’
    ‘No, no, no, no.’
    ‘Well why in the world do you want to live longer???’

  3. When I was growing up there were a number of infamous bar flies in my community. By the time I was a young man there were a lot fewer of them. By my middle age none of them were left, including my nasty drunk of a stepfather who fell down at home and couldn’t get back up about 15 years ago now. My step-brother-in-law found him 2 or 3 days later and got him to the hospital. Shot through with cancer and bones so brittle they probably couldn’t support his weight anymore. He lasted about a month in the hospital on chemo because the doctors didn’t have the guts to tell him no and live out his last two weeks without adding the extra suffering of detox and the cancer drugs. But he got to live the life he always wanted, so he had that going for him.

  4. I do not drink any alcohol and haven’t been drunk in over 40 + years. I had to learn the hard way and it made me extremely ill and violently sick when I was drunk during our time on shore leave in the Philippines time while in the Navy. It’s also the reason I quit smoking dope back in 1975 and I’ve had a better life being sober and not acting stupid by getting drunk or stoned like still far too many aging baby boomers. And I don’t apologize for it either or make excuses to friends or relatives who drink or smoke dope. It’s not for me.

  5. 2-1/2 months?
    A blink in time compared to a lifetime.
    By the way – that is statistically insignificant, so this guy should not be given any serious consideration unless he is claiming “don’t worry about it”.

  6. Sounds like another shitty abuse of statistical analyses. I seriously doubt that light/moderate drinkers put themselves at much risk at all. Mingling the data of big drinkers and light/moderate drinkers is a huge mistake. Those are two very different kinds of people. And alkies always lie their fucking drunken asses off about how much they really drink. To them “two drinks” are in tall glass measures of straight liquor.

  7. Being an admitted alcoholic, I saw my doctor to discuss my problem. I was absolutely shocked at his first question, him knowing that I’m an alcoholic in the first place. He asked me how many drinks I consume in a day. Well, this really pissed me off, so I replied very bluntly. Doc, I’m a God damned alcoholic not a fucking accountant.

  8. First, he must KNOW the exact length of your life – to the minute – to KNOW how much it will be curtailed by alcohol.
    Which is bullshit – only God knows how long you have.

    Second, it is pure pretentiousness to assume that only alcohol, of all the poisons mankind consumes from brake dust to pesticides to volcano effluvia, is the only factor involved. There is absolutely no way to control all the other factors.

    My guess is that this is another bullshit crusade, like Globaloney Warming, CoVid, Acid Rain, Radon gas, Ozone hole, White superiority, BLM, izlam is a religion of peace, “Gender” identity, “Gay Marriage,” and the thousand other lies and hoaxes we’re daily bombarded.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Hell…..I’m Drunk now (Wrenching on the Harley all Afternoon)

    It’s hot as balls and I’m trying to stay Hydrated….wit Yuengling Ligh.. I told

    My Doc how much I drank and He said “Normally I Multiply that by 3 when People

    tell Me how much They drink…But I believe You” He was actually mad when My

    Blood Tests came back ….He said It was “Disgustingly Good”

  10. Hmmm… I always wondered why a person would lie to their doctor about… anything. Doc’s a professional, a health guide and repair man. If your drinking creates problems well then you got a problem. Lying about it doesn’t change that. Likewise if it doesn’t cause problems, it doesn’t, so there’s that.

    Do whatever you want as long as you aren’t hurting any innocent people in the process. Who cares? You? Me? Have a ball, or eat oatmeal and skim milk for eighty years, whatever.

  11. So what are you missing – the last two of the Biden years? I’ll drink to that. No way I’ll survive this current hellish heat wave without a few beers.

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