Byron York: House Intel meets Monday and could vote on memo release – IOTW Report

Byron York: House Intel meets Monday and could vote on memo release

WaExaminer; The House Intelligence Committee meets at 5 p.m. Monday in the Capitol. The meeting will give the committee its first opportunity to vote on the question of releasing the so-called “FISA abuse” memo that has captured Washington’s attention in recent days. Since the GOP holds a 13 to 9 advantage on the committee, the overwhelming likelihood is that if there is a vote, the panel will decide, along party lines, to release the memo.

At that point, House rules call for the committee to await a decision by the president on whether he supports or opposes release of the memo. President Trump has made clear he supports release, so the memo could be made public quickly.

The public might also learn committee Democrats’ plans for a counter-memo. Ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff has accused Republicans of cherry-picking and distorting the intelligence underlying the GOP memo, and last Wednesday announced that Democrats would “draft our own memorandum, setting out the relevant facts and exposing the misleading character of the Republicans’ document.”  read more


6 Comments on Byron York: House Intel meets Monday and could vote on memo release

  1. TO organgrinder
    LOWER the noise?!? The Memo is to the Dems
    like WATER to the Wicked Witch of the West.

    Gonna get ’em *howling*!
    (*perfect* visuals for Americans to see, and to use in Mid-Term ads)

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