C. Steven Tucker Discusses The American Healthcare Act – IOTW Report

C. Steven Tucker Discusses The American Healthcare Act

Appearing on the radio with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, Tucker answers a lot of questions about the right’s replacement of Obamacare.

There is good and bad.


39 Comments on C. Steven Tucker Discusses The American Healthcare Act

  1. Today’s GOPe hyperventilating (hello? Paul, Chaffetz?) is very frustrating. I don’t know how clearly it can be said that this is the legislative process! Remember that? The way it works is the committee puts the bill (remember those things?) in the hopper for markup by the rest of the congress. Then the congress wrestle with each other for a while, then it passes out of congress to the senate and they mark it up and send it back to the congress and the whole process continues until it’s back in the senate and then finally on the desk for the president to sign (or veto). How anyone, today, can make any kind of proclamation about any of it is ridiculous. I’m sticking with what the president said would happen — that the free market would drive competition, giving us a better product and a choice of plans and costs.

  2. Oh, and there’s this whole transition thing that must happen because the insurance companies won’t have a plug and play offering for some months to come. But it’s a good start because this bill contemplates, among other things, repealing the mandate and punitive taxes for not participating. I’m encouraged by what the committee chairs said in their presser.

  3. The fundamental premise is that government should somehow be involved in healthcare.

    The premise is a falsehood. It is NON-TRUTH.

    The American people have been conditioned through cultural Marxism since the beginning of their educational life that they’ll be taken care of throughout their lives. By allowing this they have unwittingly sacrificed their independence of thinking and self-motivation to better themselves. They were taught that personal success is bad, and that equality is good.

    God created everyone equally; NOT to all become equal.

    Any governmental program designed to “take care” of all of its constituents is nothing more than LIFE CONTROL.

    Think GUN CONTROL, except that they are the only faction who is armed.

    The entire goal of all of this is to start a civil war through political division. I can feel it in my bones.

  4. Tsunami — The way I see it, Trump is trying to get gov’t out of healthcare by pushing it out of the fed and back to the states. There seem to be only two areas in which the feds are staying in: Medicaid/Medicare and by block-granting money back to the states for those who want insurance but cannot afford any kind of insurance. From what I gather, they are not requiring anyone to purchase health insurance, but they are also not allowing (as obamacare does) people to purchase healthcare in the midst of a health crisis. Or as someone said this morning, “You can’t buy fire insurance while your roof is burning.” I didn’t know this — and maybe you heard it this morning, too — but apparently one of the biggest fiscal failings of obamacare was that people were gaming it; buying insurance for 6-9 months out of the year, cancelling it, and then buying back in (effectively they were getting a full year’s coverage under the existing rules without paying for it).

    Two things I am not happy about right now, and maybe it will be addressed, is there is no discussion about insurance profiteering and healthcare tort reform. Those two problems were what gave rise to the health insurance cost crisis to begin with.

  5. Abigail,

    What happens when Trump is gone and some lefty fucktard like Hillary, Elizabeth Fauxcahontas, or Keith Shariahson gets power back into the White House or congress?

    See my point?

  6. Judging by Trumps reaction today, I don’t think he ever thought he would get what he wants all in one shot. I think health insurance is going to be more of an incremental battle.

  7. Tsunami — I get what you’re saying, but it also sounds like Libertarian Utopianism. If the gov’t was not involved in taking care of its constituents, then we would have no governing body at all, in fact no representational republicanism at all. We do in fact have a federal gov’t which controls our borders and protects Americans from the harm of not having sovereign borders. We wouldn’t have a national armed force to protect us against our enemies. Those things are not life control any more than providing health care to vets is. There are better and worse ways of providing any protection to the American people. I get what you’re saying, but you seem to be using the example of the Left’s obamacare to illustrate your point and not the plan the Trump WH and our current congress is putting forward. I really encourage you (and everyone) to listen to the WH daily press briefing (linked above) to hear what Dr. Price had to say about the phased approach of repealing and “replacing” (though it is not “replace” in the way I suspect many are interpreting that) and the Q&A with Spicer on the same subject. Very illuminating and helpful. Through the Q&A it becomes more clear exactly what the strategy, plan and roll-out will look like; the timing and well as the basic features that Trump is looking for. It doesn’t sound like life control to me. And I can say, as a small business owner, that this legislation will do nothing but GOOD for me and my family. Right now we’re paying over 14K/year with a catastrophic deductible with no pre-tax savings, no HSA and no coverage except the discount we get for just having insurance — unless one of gets cancer or has a heart attack! I’d like a little Trump-style “Life Control” right now regarding the cost of my insurance. 🙂

  8. Tsunami — “What happens when Trump is gone and some lefty fucktard like Hillary, Elizabeth Fauxcahontas, or Keith Shariahson gets power back into the White House or congress?”

    This is the war we have waged and are waging, isn’t it? To prevent anti-American, socialist/Marxist/Communist, bad actors to retake our halls of government. It’s a war we’ve been waging for nearly 100 years and today we are winning. Just as the Leftist, anti-American usurper broke every law in order to weaken America — from allowing open borders to paying off the extortion of Iran to running guns to Mexicans to openly calling for illegals to vote in our elections — Trump is doing everything he can to protect and strengthen America, putting our national and individual sovereignty at the very center of all activities he and his admin and those in congress he can persuade, engage in. If you listen to Price’s primary guides for this health insurance change, the operating controls are with the patient, their choice of doctors, accessibility and affordability. All extremely conservative values. He wants the gov’t out of the business of telling people to buy insurance, telling them what insurance they do buy, which doctors they see and so on. The goal is to build out a purely market-driven system of choice.

  9. BB — I don’t think it’s a matter of Trump not getting what he wants all in one shot. He and the congress never contemplated that because it can’t be done from an operational standpoint. It is necessarily phased and that makes total sense. Some things he can get done through the legislative process and some (phase 2) will probably be a combination of EA and congress because of the rules of reconciliation. Phase 3, as I understand it, will be primarily about the market place roll-out. All of it sounds very methodical, logical and relatively simple and incredibly transparent. This is why the day 1 hyperventilation is so frustrating to me. A big part of it is the media BS, again, trying to kill the infant in its crib. They are so stupidly hostile to this president.

  10. AA,
    And all the talking heads are saying this bill will change a LOT before it’s passed, which means to me it will get much worse. I’m really devolving a hatred for Jason Chaffetz by the way.

  11. BB — But that’s what they want you to think! LOL! If I didn’t laugh, I’d cry. Those skunks! And Chaffetz?! What a maroon! He’s cut out of the same mold as Ryan, Lee and the rest of them. It sounds silly, perhaps, but I think some of these guys are suffering from not being the paper tiger “rising young stars” of the congress/senate they once were. Chaffetz is a total moron on this. And please remind me, what exactly *did* he get accomplished in the HOC regarding Benghazi? Oh, yea. Nothing.

  12. BB — Honestly. One has to ask if any of these guys would be luminaries in any other field or profession outside of gov’t. Does Chaffetz or Lee strike you as the kind of guys who could meet the daily slog of, say, corporate sales or manufacturing? Me, neither. But I bet you they know what’s on the cafeteria menu today. LOL!

  13. This isnt what Trump ran on. Heard Trump tells Planned Parenthood he’ll give them their federal money if they end doing abortions. Oh boy! Im thinking he’s not as bright as I thought. So disappointed in him!

  14. Tsunami’s question above is DEAD ON. The thing must be utterly reduced to ash exactly so it can never be resurrected. If the Left wants to try again someday (and they will) they’ll have to start from scratch. But that’s clearly not of interest to the R’s.



  15. the biggest problem with government is that they get involved with free market business. the govt picks winners and losers this bill is a non starter. we have been sold out already. Fix the VA first.2nd and 3rd phase means they dont have the balls to put the hard stuff in. like tort reform. Insurance across state lines. Bills by Phase never work!!!! Like tax cuts over 10 years my ass.

  16. @Grool — read the overview of the legislative process that gave us o-care and how the process must proceed to dismantle it, over at CTH. An excellent detailed explanation.

    Gotta say, I’m fed up with reading the hysteria.

    @Hoosier Gal — He knew they’d say “no” and expose their real services (which, btw, their CEO said emphatically that their business WAS NOT primarily abortions!). He knew they wouldn’t accept. Not too bright, huh? LOL!

  17. If Trump signs this I’ll be pissed as hell. Its a bald face lie to say they cant put the part of being able to shop across state lines in the bill. The Republicans want control of the people’s lives/money just like the dems. They never worked on repealing this before Jan 20, ’17. Its just been thrown together.

  18. I’m fed up with gullible people. this bill sucks! end of story.I am embarrassed for the President and the Republicans. 8 years to form a bill and this dog shit is rolled out. Thank goodness for the Freedom Caucus

  19. nothing more than an expensive entitlement when we are 20 TRILLION IN DEPT. Not one thing conservative in this bill. Trump and republicans were voted in to get rid of Obamacare not replace it.
    Republicans just don’t get the anger of the American people!!! Act like winners. Trump said this is a great bill. REALLY WTF. Tackle tax reform first its easy. Sorry to say this will be his down fall
    its still government mandated health care.

  20. Hoosier Gal — Because he’s getting out in front of all the detractors from the Left who will be outraged!! (I tell ya!) that PP is losing it’s funding for “women’s health care!!!!” He just pulled that BS argument right out from under them. You gotta remember that he has to look at the whole country, not just the pom-pom waving Freedom Caucus. These sorts of moves on his part make inroads to lofos who will have to give him credit for being reasonable and not a money-grubbing, skin-flint tyrant on women’s health care.

    All Trump did was the same thing he just did to obama and the media regarding wire-tapping him during the election. He agreed with them. Think about it: PP has been arguing all along that without federal funding they won’t be able to supply women’s healthcare (mammograms, cancer screenings, etc). Their argument is bogus since they don’t now offer this care. They are an abortion provider. All Trump did was say, “ok, we’ve got money to support everything you’re arguing for, but no money for that thing you’re always down-playing. You call yourselves a “family planning” service, but you don’t help plan families, all you do is perform abortions.” How can they say yes to that when all their money comes from abortions, abortion and sex ed, abortion outreach and more abortion? They can’t.

    He’s brilliant. It’s about time PP put up or shut the hell up!

  21. Obamacare or any government healthcare program should be dismantled and illiminated – not replaced. The free market should determine the cost and associated services of health care.
    Sad to see Trump is so naive and liberal concerning this issue. He fundamentally believes the government must provide healthcare for everybody. Was hoping he would let go of that socialist ideology with more exposure to conservative views.
    You just can’t pick the bugs off a cadaver, spray it with repellant and call it fixed. Over regulated, burdensome, debilitating government no care is a corpse – bury it.

  22. Well there you go. I guess it’s not coming down. Concrete evidence right there. Why don’t we wait ad see what this looks like when they actually VOTE on it. Look out for that big chunk of sky. It almost hit you.

  23. JTucker,
    Trump says he’s the ultimate negotiator. I believe him. His first test. Let’s see what he’s got. But throwing the baby out with the bath water at this time has logic.

  24. I trust Trump on this. A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. It’s a start and I’m just happy that it isn’t President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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