C. Steven Tucker Saved Me Thousands of Dollars – IOTW Report

C. Steven Tucker Saved Me Thousands of Dollars

The best healthcare insurance expert in the country told me how to lower my healthcare costs during the Trump administration.

He said that 3 month temporary health insurance was a cheap alternative to yearly, and the Trump administration made that possible. He also predicted it would expand so that the pain in the ass of signing up every 3 months would be mitigated.

Sure enough, short term was expanded to a year.

Then it was expanded to 3 years.

When Trump lost, Tucker called me immediately and told me to purchase Trump’s healthcare before Biden could dick with it.

He said it was possible to lock in for 3 years. He said, “do it. I think Biden is going to screw you if you don’t.”

I signed up.

I just got this email –

Just read pResident Plug’s executive order on healthcare. Section 4 subsection (a) reads as follows: 

” Sec. 4.  Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Review of Associated Agency Actions.  (a)  Executive Order 13765 of January 20, 2017 (Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal), and Executive Order 13813 of October 12, 2017 (Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States), are revoked.”   

President Trump’s Executive Order 13813 was the order allowing states to extend Short Term policy duration to 12, 24 or 36 months. Thank God I recommended all of my clients purchase the 36 month option this year.


Biden is an asshole.

Anyone who voted for him has no clue what is going on.

Thank you C. Steven.


6 Comments on C. Steven Tucker Saved Me Thousands of Dollars

  1. I like C. Steven Tucker. A few years ago I called him up with some questions. Even though he wasn’t licensed in Washington he was patient in answering my questions and gave me good advice. We need guys like him on our team.

  2. Bless you C Steven! Navigating “coordinated care” is a nightmare, expensive and infuriating. In a week, I hope to finally have good insurance again and not WA state’s version of ObamaCare. 🤞


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