CA Gov. Newsom Signs Package Of Bills To Combat Homelessness – IOTW Report

CA Gov. Newsom Signs Package Of Bills To Combat Homelessness

OAN: California is continuing to work toward a solution to the state’s growing homelessness crisis. Lawmakers are passing new legislation, in hopes of combating one of the state’s most overwhelming problems.

State Governor Gavin Newsom signed a package of bills on Thursday, which aim to reduce the number of homeless people living on the streets. In his State of State Address, Newsom promised to work toward solutions to stop the increase in the number of homeless people statewide.

“There’s another urgent moral issue we must confront — that’s this homelessness epidemic,” Governor Newsom said. “So many of California’s homeless — whether they’re families, veterans, victims of rent spikes, or survivors fleeing domestic violence — are invisible and left behind by our society.”

poll released around the same time as Newsom’s speech found that nearly half of California’s residents said they could not afford to live in the state. The new legislation is geared at preventing homelessness before it happens, as well as addressing how to help those already living on the streets. more here

18 Comments on CA Gov. Newsom Signs Package Of Bills To Combat Homelessness

  1. First they’ll have to raise taxes some or multiple places to create funds for this project. Maybe they’ll create export levies on products they ship to other states. When they get these funds, politicians at each level along the way will grab some for their own pockets, leaving maybe 1 cent on the dollar to actually help the homeless.

  2. Invisible and left behind by society? You’ve catered to and encouraged their homelessness with your liberal giveaways and averting your eyes as they destroy the neighborhoods. EPA got your attention is probably the real story.

  3. Read the title.
    None of what this jerk has signed
    will help or alleviate anything.

    Just like in 1993 when slick Willie
    signed some crap and declared
    the homeless and AIDS problems

    Of course the propagandist MSM
    went along with the lie,



    History repeats itself
    and the MSM will never tell you
    that Gavin Newsom’s shell game will accomplish


  4. @Left Coast Dan:

    All of the progressive actions lead to increased homelessness, not less.

    Spot on!
    Govt can DO nothing to “combat” homelessness.
    Govt can only REFRAIN FROM DOING to reduce street bums.

    Unless, of course, what they do is set up something akin to a Soylent Green system.

  5. By what I saw this morning, their grand solution is to bus them to Salt Lake City. A tried and true solution (both mayoral finalists are fighting to see who can virtue signal better, so its a win-win for them). I am praying for a long, bitterly cold and snowy winter, with week after week of ice fog. It might clear the valley of all the Californians.

  6. OK, if you assume the homeless want to re-join society and bank your solutions on that assumption you will be disappointed.
    The mentally ill cannot make decisions to better themselves
    The addicts are unable to get clean without confinement and lengthy rehab
    The willful vagrants are opportunistic. They will take whatever help can be gleaned while disappearing at the first chance.
    If you do not go out in the street and round them up you are pissing your money away. No one will be helped except the contractors printing brochures, and remodeling condemned buildings.
    Oh and the consultants, and focus group organizers and the staff. They gotta eat too.


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