CA Voters Not Happy With Free Health Care For Illegals – IOTW Report

CA Voters Not Happy With Free Health Care For Illegals

Liberty Nation: As the California state legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom dislocate their shoulders in the hearty backslapping of their self-congratulatory moment in American history, the rest of the nation is snarling and spitting over the lunacy of the left coast Democrats.  That is, according to the new Rasmussen Reports poll, which asked if illegal immigrants should receive free health care.

The answer was a resounding no.  No way, no how, nuh-uh, nada.

It was a brief two-question survey that spoke volumes: “Do you favor or oppose making health care benefits available to young low-income illegal immigrants in your state?  Is it offensive to refer to someone who has entered this country illegally as ‘an illegal immigrant?’”

Out of 1,000 online and telephone respondents, “31% of Likely U.S. Voters favor making health care benefits available to low-income illegal immigrants under the age of 26 in their state. Fifty-five percent (55%) are opposed, while 13% are not sure.”  One can only imagine the responses to question number two.

The only surprising statistic is that 13% had not yet picked a side in what might be the watershed issue for 2020 presidential candidates. read more

10 Comments on CA Voters Not Happy With Free Health Care For Illegals

  1. Let them eat their cake! They voted that creature in. They want to share so says the Hollywood and Silicon elitist. Nothing ever means anything until one is personally pinched hard enough.

  2. It’s sickening that 31% would allow this outrage. The 13% should get the same treatment — Exiled to the Congo.

    Fuck it, just put their heads on pikes. It’s cheaper and more sentimental.

  3. Get Ebola from the African illegals who will get their medical care free. More coming all the time.

    Meet the companies helping to bring African refugees – and possibly Ebola – to America
    by WorldTribune Staff, June 20, 2019
    Joe Schaeffer, First of two parts

    “The Tent Partnership sports a vast menagerie of corporate “members,” including: professional services giant Accenture, Airbnb, Barilla pasta, Citibank, professional services goliath Deloitte, Expedia, Goldman Sachs, Hilton hotels, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, IKEA, financial services titan ING, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Philips electronics company, Shell Oil, Starbucks, Uber, Unilever and Verizon.

    Disturbingly, dominant social media and Internet organizations Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter are all members of the partnership.

    A thriving migrant highway from remote regions of the Congo to the United States via South America is flooding our southern border with previously unheard-of numbers of African migrants demanding entry into our nation under humanitarian grounds.

    A corporate-backed network operates within our nation to establish and integrate the products of this pipeline into the economic tapestry of local American communities.

    An enormous percentage of the 60 million Americans who voted President Trump into the White House did so because they are adamantly opposed to massive Third World immigration into their country.

    Yet companies that most of these Americans give their money to every day are doing all they can to see that their views are not taken into account.”

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