Caitlin Clark’s Teammates Are Horrendous – IOTW Report

Caitlin Clark’s Teammates Are Horrendous

41 Comments on Caitlin Clark’s Teammates Are Horrendous

  1. With behavior and “athleticism” (KOFF!) like that, do women REALLY wonder why their viewership is down, and why they’re paid less? Really?!
    I’d like to find one of these female “athletes” and ask her to make me a sammich. but I’d be afraid that she’s drop it on the floor. And fer damn sure, SHE ain’t gonna clean up the mess, which leaves it to me. Sooooo…….nebbermind.

  2. They’re either shittty b-hall players or they’re doing this intentionally to try and make Clark look bad. None of them look like they’re putting forth any effort at all. Perhaps it’s relative to laziness. They best be careful as there are players who at least will hustle. They’re getting some attention now but it’s not the kind they want. They can be replaced.

  3. They are a bunch of miserable, resentment filled, ugly harridans who are trying to tear her down because that is what the political philosophy they have bought into has taught them. More than anything else they resent about her is that she leads a joyous and fulfilling life, they lead a miserable life and they envy and resent her as a result.

  4. Who needs an enema when you got teammates like that?
    I guess it’s one more reason I don’t care about sports, at all. The large majority are entitled, arrogant, childish, and overpaid.

  5. I don’t see any intent to miss the passes in that video, just mediocrity.
    Keep in mind how they got Caitlyn Clark. By being the worst team last year.

  6. JDHasty, most lesbians are self-loathing and miserable women. They know what they’re doing is wrong but have so internalized their sin that it tears them up inside and makes them very confused, angry, nasty women. They’re also not very pleasant to be around either.

  7. “I don’t see any intent to miss the passes in that video, just mediocrity.
    Keep in mind how they got Caitlyn Clark. By being the worst team last year.”

    There’s a lot of truth to that statement. Her teammates have had to seriously up their game. I think Clark might be able to survive in the NBA. We’re watching Indiana play Phoenix right now. I think she’s already at 18 assists. She just rifled a pass through traffic into someone underneath the net for a basket. That little girl can generate some speed on that ball. High fives and hugs all around. I think her teammates are getting behind her finally.

  8. @Brad – that’s good to hear. But no way could she make it in NBA. I would like to see her in Ice Cube’s league though, I think her talent is as good as many of the men although her physical strength wouldn’t compete.

  9. Well she opted to be there! All PRO’s get paid whether they win or not! The WNBA gets paid by the NBA so why do they care how they play, or don’t play, their silly bounce the ball game

  10. LCD

    I was being a little facetious. If you haven’t had a chance to watch her play you should try and check a game out. It’s good ball. Clark is a very fluid athlete. Fun to watch. Indiana has won 4 straight and they seem to be starting to gel as a team.

  11. @Brad – yes, definitely. I may have mentioned it here before, a friend has been following her and college women’s basketball and she is responsible for 4 of the top 8 all-time viewership numbers for a women’s college BB game. When you consider all of the well-known (well, relatively) women BB players, she and Cheryl Miller (more than 4 decades ago) are responsible for all but one of the top 8 games for viewership. She has to be entertaining for that to happen. Also, she set collegiate records so she outperformed all of those in her league who are complaining about her. Every single one of them.

  12. Where she would really fall down is on D. She’s six feet tall with women proportions. So with proportionally larger cranium and shorter arms she’s the basketball equivalent of a 5’9″ male, who would have far greater vertical. So every player in the NBA could shoot over her at will.

    Could she play on a team with a couple of offensive superstars and take a pass and hit a a wide open three. That’s possible. Could she do it better than a man who specializes at being a spot up three point shooter. Probably not

  13. Her coach is completely incompetent, trying to play Caitlin inside on offence, where she’s getting hacked like crazy and no more effective than any other player – all while Caitlin is hitting 3 pointers from the logo when she’s left alone.

  14. ^^^^^^^
    Yea but, Clarks a point guard. Clark can’t win every game by herself. The team can’t win with out a point guard. Believe me I’m no fan of coach lip licker. But point guards are sometimes required to do point guard shit. She had 16 assists today and actually I think they short changed her. One was a pass inside that was so fast it went right through a Phoenix player. Just a big smoking hole.

  15. Catilyn Clark is just a superior, very talented woman basketball player -intelligent and focused. Everything her team mates lack. She’ll remain a star no matter how badly they play.

    BTW, the WNBA has no real incentive to improve team performance since it’s subsidized by the NBA. So, Caitlyn will be the draw they’re depending on for viewership and some additional sponsorship.

    A passive way to promote the WNBA, but women’s competative sports are not that popular. Men’s competative sports are more intense, uninhibited and entertaining – that’s life.


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