Cali Anti-“Conversion Therapy” Bill Could Ban Religious Speech – IOTW Report

Cali Anti-“Conversion Therapy” Bill Could Ban Religious Speech

In an effort to protect the gender confused of ever being exposed to thought or words challenging their state of befuddlement over their own nature, the state of California seems poised to outlaw religious practitioners from expressing fundamental tenants of their beliefs.

” We’re talking churches, schools, religious charities, summer camps — every forum that involves a financial transaction could be banned from allowing any discussion of basic doctrines of sexuality that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, among others, have held for thousands of years.” More

8 Comments on Cali Anti-“Conversion Therapy” Bill Could Ban Religious Speech

  1. This ought to be turned around on them. The GBLTs need to be forced to follow their own rules. Their proposed legislation would also make it illegal for them to attempt to sway anyone (especially children) who isn’t already a sexual deviant into becoming one. Has anyone pointed this out to them?

    I will make every effort to tolerate those with whom I disagree – but I do have one adamantly insisted upon condition: they’ve got to tolerate ME in exchange. The militant GBLTs don’t qualify.

  2. Diversity! Diversity! Diversity! Diversity!
    Diversity! Diversity! Diversity! Diversity!
    Diversity! Diversity! Diversity! Diversity!
    Diversity! Diversity! Diversity! Diversity!
    Diversity! Diversity! Diversity! Diversity!

    The chant of the Left…. except for a couple little minor things:
    No diversity when it comes to freedom off speech.
    No diversity when it comes to freedom of thought.
    It’s lock-step group think or else!
    Welcome to the New California Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, Politically Correct, high-handed, autocratic laws and regulation.
    Stalin approves!

  3. And of course, none of this violates the First Amendment guarantee against “prohibiting the free exercise of religion” ….. Meanwhile, the continuing existence of a cross in a millitary cemetery that was erected 90 years ago is “Congress making a law respecting the establishment of a state religion

    Makes you think there is no Constitution anymore … at all

  4. Got this in the mail a couple of days ago. It’s a shame because it is an excellent youth program that helps prepare young adults to avoid being indoctrinated in college.
    Summit forced out of California by Bill Banning Biblical Views on Sexual Identity
    Summit Ministries’ president calls AB2943 “the most blatant chilling of free speech in America in my lifetime” while announcing the removal of Biola University worldview training from its schedule.

  5. @Poor Lazlo – Yes, indeed! The mohammadmen cleave the Gordian knot by not trying to convert homosexuality into heterosexuality but instead by achieving the much simpler conversion of people into corpses.


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