California High Schools Start Preregistration For Students Reaching Voter Age- The Left is Panicked – IOTW Report

California High Schools Start Preregistration For Students Reaching Voter Age- The Left is Panicked

What percentage of the students would you guess would register democrat in LA, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange counties? 65%? 75%? 85%? 90%?

How about 38%?

And no, the rest aren’t socialists. Most chose unaffiliated. Others chose Independent and Republican. It seems that all the liberal indoctrination, the Trump bashing, the characterizations of the right as racists, sexists, misogynists, Islamohobes and homophobes is not resonating with millennials.


Kanye’s gonna let you finish… but first he has this to say…

ht/ all too much

7 Comments on California High Schools Start Preregistration For Students Reaching Voter Age- The Left is Panicked

  1. I wouldn’t be too sure that this is a good thing. I’ve met a lot of real liberals who thought that the Democrat party were sellouts and not the real deal. It’s also the in thing to hate both parties these days. The more relevant question is who will vote vs who won’t.

  2. Another reason they’re pushing so hard to eliminate the electoral college. Their high numbers mostly all come from densely packed cities on both coasts. Get rid of that and their worries are over and the rest of the country is toast.

  3. This isn’t a good sign.
    In those areas that are heavily Hispanic, those kids will be going the la Raza etno-socialism route.
    The Dems are not left enough, nor anti-White enough, for them anymore.
    They are all going to the LEFT of the Dems, they are not looking to MAGA, they want to peel off California for Mexico.
    As to the rest, we are still a defacto one-party state.

  4. MEIR
    Du verstae nicht

    The relevant question is: FOR WHOM WILL THEY VOTE! I live in a city that is conservative! Ronnie got 70% of the vote – ever time! Folk here generally will not vote liberal – even if the progressive is a “Republican”. GWB got less than 40% in ’00 and less than 50% in ’04. The next 2 leftist GOP men also got less than 40%..The same folk – basically – voted in all elections. But they will not vote for a progressive even if he’s GOP!


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