California Inmates Scam A Billion In COVID Relief From Their State – IOTW Report

California Inmates Scam A Billion In COVID Relief From Their State

PJ Media

This is mind-boggling when you think about it. A multi-agency investigation has uncovered a scheme to steal at least $1 billion in pandemic unemployment aid. About 35,000 unemployment claims were filed in the name of prison inmates between March and August, including a claim for convicted murderer Scott Peterson, and that at least 20,000 of them had been paid out, said Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert. More

8 Comments on California Inmates Scam A Billion In COVID Relief From Their State

  1. So, oops, we accidentally sent a billion dollars to prisoners, but just take our word for it, and don’t bother trying to get it back, because it’s probably long gone, and they can’t pay it back anyway, so we won’t be doing any investigation, or holding any hearings. OK, thanks for coming, and we won’t be taking any questions. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. You still have to work, you just don’t get paid in the new socialist nation. Once your chip is activated and all of your money is cyber currency. Your cardboard apartment, free health care, free school, will all be automatically be deducted. Tracked by your phone, they will know if you have deviated from your appointed schedule. If you slack off, you’ll be shamed into conforming. (wear your mask). Or go to the reeducation camp.

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