California Releases List Of Outdoor Activities ‘Allowed’ During Shutdown. They’re Ridiculous. – IOTW Report

California Releases List Of Outdoor Activities ‘Allowed’ During Shutdown. They’re Ridiculous.

Paul Bois

On Thursday, California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom released a list of outdoor activities citizens are “allowed” to participate in during the statewide shutdown.

“We want you to see sunsets,” said Newsom, as reported by SF Gate. “We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don’t want is people congregating outside in large groups.”

The list included a wide variety of activities, some of which raised more than a few eyebrows on social media for either being so specific or painstakingly obvious, such as the suggestion for people to avoid gardening in groups or giving permission for people to wash the car.

The list in full:

— Athletics
— Badminton (singles)
— Throwing a baseball or softball
— BMX biking
— Canoeing (singles)
— Crabbing

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43 Comments on California Releases List Of Outdoor Activities ‘Allowed’ During Shutdown. They’re Ridiculous.

  1. OMG, I’ve been watching sunsets illegally for six weeks now. I wonder when my citation will arrive… Not that I’ll be able to pay it, mind you.

  2. The Supreme Potentate decrees that I can “quad bike”, which I assume means ride with three others, but can only play volleyball and badminton with one other – not to mention play golf by myself.

    When asked for a comment, Newsom said, “It’s good to be King, I kinda like this dempanic thing.”

  3. “Allowed activities”….ain’t that somethin?….You can go crabbing yet I don’t know if his wife or mother can provide good crabbin’…..Nasty comment maybe, but if he wants to go full 4th grade, I want him to know that I wrote a masters thesis on 4th grade potty humor….

  4. Sodomy, as long as you do not face each other.

    Isn’t that what crabbing is?

    Urban dictionary #5 def
    #2 def
    #11 def

    there are 4 pages of urban def for crabbing

  5. Hmmm. Gonna’ need a ruling on that one, Ann.

    Probably best to call the Governor. Repeatedly, clogging the switchboards…. possibly even crashing the system in our insistence to get a little clarity on this deal.

    He can be reached at (916) 445-2841

  6. It is time. Start going about your every day lives.
    Open up your doors and let people in.
    There is not enough coppers and jail space to hold us all. They will let us go anyway.
    I talked to the gal that has cut my hair for 20 years and she has been cutting hair for the last 3 weeks in her salon or at her house,she needs the money, single mom, and she has had enough.
    She has been red pilled, never talked to her about President Trump before today,but I know she was a dem. She will vote for P. Trump in the fall.

  7. @Burr–

    If one cannot breathe outdoors, I’m not going to worry about someone traveling here to monitor my indoor breathing.

    Plus I don’t have an Alexa, which could listen for breathing sounds, OR a SMART meter, which likely monitors everything, including respiration.

  8. 18 U.S.C. § 241 — Conspiracy Against Rights — makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in the United States in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the Unites States or because of his or her having exercised such a right.

    18 U.S.C. § 242 — Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law — makes it a crime for someone acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. Defendants act under color of law when they wield power vested by a government entity.

  9. ‘Tree climbing’ – also known as hugging in Cali.

    ‘Meditation’ – oohhhhkay! How many can you socially distance from in…YOUR own mind…oh and body.

    ‘Wash the car’ – oh, and the greenies are fine with this??

    ‘Throwing a baseball or softball’ – do NOT get in between me a baseball and a glove! That is like Amendment 11 territory.

    ‘Kite boarding and kitesurfing’ – more, oohhhkay!

    ‘Watch the sunrise or sunset’ – fuck off you dam totalitarians!

  10. Hmm, I live in El Dorado county. We border Sac County to the North. Our local Gov called an end to the stay at home bull shit. People are still wearing masks in Grocery stores. But everything else seems to be back to normal. Either the shit running out of Newsom mouth are guide lines or some counties are ignoring his idiotic crap.

  11. Interesting. The first thing I noticed was throwing a baseball or softball is OK, but not catching one.

    If I could throw a fast ball, I’d think about throwing baseballs at all the pols and bureaucrats who are obviously prohibited from snagging them.

  12. Brad we have had enough.
    Masks are useless. You might as well wipe your butt with them.
    This is all about “Lets get Trump”
    Fauci is deep state, and he is loving his time in the spotlight, he has been waiting for this for years.
    When this all shakes out he will be proven to be a shill for the CDC and the Gates Crowd.

  13. @Lazlo The Elder – approximately 393,000 ft² or a hair over 9 acres.

    I’m assuming each person is centered in a 5′ circle, and allowing 2′ for each actual body, you’d need 3′ clearance to the circle’s edge. My 3′ and your 3′ would provide the official govt-mandated totally scientifical 6′ guaranteed safe distance.

    (25*pi*5000)/43560 = 9.02

    @flip – I think you were using cubic close packing instead of hexagonal close packing.


  14. My hair stylist is considering going the way of the speakeasy. She contacted a few of her clients that she thought would break curfew-all Righties! LOL!!! I’m in baby!

  15. Gavin Nuisance…
    Heil Gavin!
    You should take your list of limited activities,
    Roll it into a big wad,
    And pretend it is a suppository.
    The next step should be automatic,
    Shove is high and as far as you can!

  16. Huh. Why is newsoms number busy all the time? Not like I’m gonna’ hold all day….

    I think 6 or 7 hundred of you guys should try to call it too. One of us is bound to get through.

  17. @PHenry Ha! True enough! She hasn’t decided if she’s going to do it or not. I’ll know later next week.

    I’ll go in the disguise of a pizza delivery person.

  18. illustr8r call her up she will give you a cut and a color (if you need it) damn it is time. Inslee is a full on Trump hater he is pissed that he is not calling the shots in America he is the only one that does not get along with Trump of all the leaders,he is a snake as Trump calls him. (see my comment above)
    Get ready for him to call for a major tax increase in our state when this is over,but not one state worker being layed off he is already calling for more workers to trac us.

  19. How do you like martial law?

    What a scam this ‘virus’ bullshit is. A polio epidemic didn’t shut down our society! This is as great a scam against us as ‘barack hussein obama,’ or whoever the fuck he really is.

    Wait till the midnight knock on your door. Well, I guess that’s when the bullets start flying…

  20. Where is “kiss my ass” on this list?
    Today there was a small plane flying around downtown Riverside with a banner that read
    Fire Gruesome Newsom. Open California.
    On Tuesday, our county board of supervisors is holding a meeting to rescind our county health Nazi-Cameron Kaiser (truly) order to shelter in place until at least June 19.
    I’m taking my 83 year old mom to the support demonstration.
    We’re bringing torches & pitchforks!

  21. Is a Group Poop on the permitted list?

    A very annoying acquaintance from my distant past some how got my number, called, and asked if I could find out for him. He & his group have an event planned for the corner of Market St and 8th St. On May 7th, to celebrate victory over fascism when Nazi Germany surrendered May 7th, 1945. He promised to leave me alone if I got the straight poop answer for him.

    He indicated he and his freedom loving pals were going to do the poo permitted or not. They just wanted to be prepared if trouble seems likely. He mumbled something about maybe taking along 6 ft strings for safe distance spacing.

  22. -Washing your tennis racket shirtless and getting water everywhere (not in groups)

    -Taking pot shots at the homeless with a sawed off shotgun (not in groups)

    -having sex in your backyard when the moon is waxing and the wine is flowing (not in groups)

    -shitting your pants (not in groups!)

    Hm. Oddly specific indeed. 🤔


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