California: Senate Clings to Mask Mandate Even as Gov. Announces He’s Dropping It – IOTW Report

California: Senate Clings to Mask Mandate Even as Gov. Announces He’s Dropping It

CA Globe: Even after Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday he was dropping the mask mandate on school kids March 12, the California State Senate leaders quickly sent a memo out to Senators and staff announcing mask mandates would remain in place while they “consult with local public health officials.”

Who is it in the Senate clinging to the mask mandate?

Secretary of the California State Senate Secretary Erika Contreras authored the memo:

“As you may know, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) made an announcement yesterday easing masking requirements in many settings regardless of vaccine status.  Following the release of new indoor masking guidance, Governor Gavin Newsom also signed an executive order that updated the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to align with the new guidance.

The Senate is reviewing the updated CDPH and CDC masking guidance and consulting with local public health officials for additional guidance based on local public health considerations. As an employer, the Senate will also be looking at the Cal/OSHA updates to provide the most accurate and up-to-date guidance to our workforce, which is located in seventy-six district offices throughout the state.  The Senate will communicate any potential updates to our Health and Safety Guidelines regarding masking for Senators, staff and the public in the next few days.”

 This is just stunning. Here’s how you “consult with local health officials:” more

9 Comments on California: Senate Clings to Mask Mandate Even as Gov. Announces He’s Dropping It

  1. I’m making $88/h to complete some internet services on the internet . I’ve not ever imagined like it could tgb even achievable but my greatest pal was getting $27,000 just within four weeks completing this leading task & she has satisfied me to try…Explore updated guidance by reaching following website……..

  2. Yup. Election season.
    They realized they were ticking off more people than they thought and it jeopardizes their chances.

    General Mills (ME) is dropping the school mask dictate starting Mon.

  3. @TheMule March 2, 2022 at 7:24 pm

    > If you watched the Superbowl and still think you should wear a mask because the authorities said so, then you’re a tragically stupid sack of shit.

    Because masks? Or Superbowl?

  4. @Anon, the only people wearing masks were the vendors and the backup musicians. The ticket holders and bribe-taking political hacks, including Newsome were partying hardy completely maskless surrounded by masked little people, just like the Hollywood award shows. it’s pretty obvious the message they’re sending out: “Freedom is just for us, you filthy proles.”

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