California sheriff sued for allegedly blocking Black Lives Matter leaders on Facebook – IOTW Report

California sheriff sued for allegedly blocking Black Lives Matter leaders on Facebook

The Hill: The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit against a California sheriff accusing him of violating the First Amendment rights of the city’s Black Lives Matter leaders.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday, claims that Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones blocked Tanya Faison and Sonia Lewis from posting comments on his official Facebook page, according to the Sacramento Bee.

The suit says Jones blocked Faison and Lewis from commenting after they responded to one of his posts that included screenshots from the Black Lives Matter Sacramento page. The screenshots included language supporting efforts to “abolish the police” and “all cops are bastards.”

Faison told the Bee that Facebook is one of the only forums where she and other activists “can engage with the sheriff and his supporters.”

“Expressing our views is part of our role as residents of Sacramento,” she said.

The lawsuit asks a judge to order Jones to unblock Faison and Lewis from his official accounts, and also seeks damages. MORE

10 Comments on California sheriff sued for allegedly blocking Black Lives Matter leaders on Facebook

  1. “Maybe he should dump facebook?”

    It’s not a personal account. It’s a department account. All departments have them. Scott Jones is a conservative. A good 2A Sheriff in a shit hole town. Sacramento has a very militant Black Lives Splatter group. They hate whitey.

  2. BB,
    Thanks for the clarification – If this is not his personal account, then he shouldn’t be able to ban anyone. I truly believe in free speech – even by idiots and troublemakers.

    Question though, sounds like these people are close to the line if they are calling for harm of individuals (police or others). Does the Department have standards set for posters?

  3. “and also seeks damages.”. That pretty well explains it all. BLM douchettes playing the legal lottery. Did you ever notice the ACLU never seems to represent conservatives against attacks from the protected groups? I’d love to watch the ACLU heads explode if Trump ever lifts their tax deductible status because at this point it’s just a left wing make work project for underemployed lawyers.

  4. Graceia

    I’m not sure about their policies on the department FB page, but I would imagine the prohibit profanity. Sacramento has an ultra Liberal Mayor and city council which emboldens the BLM trash. I’m not sure how they ended up with a conservative Sheriff, but I think this is his third term. Anyway, Sacramento is a powder keg. I know a lot of Sheriffs Deputies from that department and once they reach an age that they can retire they’re doing so. Next black guy that get’s shot by LE in that county, look fxcking out.


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