California’s EBONY ALERT illustrates Leftist Thinking Perfectly – IOTW Report

California’s EBONY ALERT illustrates Leftist Thinking Perfectly

I have little respect for the intelligence of most people, but I have barely a smidgen for a leftist.

A black politician in California, Braford, sponsored a bill called the Ebony Alert, which is like an Amber Alert, but it’s for black people only.

Braford says no one cares when a black person goes missing, so special attention is needed. Gavin Newsom, a moron, signed the bill into law.

When an Amber Alert goes off, often the only description you get is that of the abductor’s car. This is what citizens should be on the lookout for.

If society is racist, the beacon for an Ebony Alert is the perfect system in order to NOT be on the lookout for a specific car or license plate number. That might be too deep for the left to comprehend.

This reminds me of a roundtable discussion that aired in the 60s with all the greatest black minds of the day. One guy who was going on and on about how racist America was demanded the country hand over a state for blacks only.

Malcolm X listened, waited for the guy to finish and then called the guy a damn fool. He asked what better way would allow racists to take out all black people at once than to have them all gathered in one place?

The guy was just bright enough to shut up.

Malcolm X is in the smidgen category.

23 Comments on California’s EBONY ALERT illustrates Leftist Thinking Perfectly

  1. When an amber alert goes off rarely is there a description of skin color with it. In fact I’ve never heard skin color mentioned. Normally it’s height, sex, what they’re wearing, and nine times out of ten a license plate number and a car description. They do mention the color of the car. Bradford is a pandering fool. So is Newsom for signing the damn thing.
    We use to get to vote on the majority of bills passed. No longer. They’re just shoved down our throats.

  2. Iā€™d say half of the alerts I have seen in Texas have been for black kids. If it was 200 miles away, I am not going to pay attention. If I drive on the freeway I will see the warnings on the freeway message boards.

    I will pay close attention if the alert is fairly close by. Other than that, I have a better chance of winning Lotto than seeing the car or the kid.

  3. An ebony alert should be given every time there’s a Black on Black crime or the latest looting rampage showing which neighborhood it happened so everyone can stay away from that locality.

  4. They should use the same thing for fire alarms, so many blasts means white, and another number for blacks… etc that way they know if they have to rush or even show up… humans sure are scary

  5. “America was demanded the country hand over a state for blacks only”

    Too bad he was ignored, race relations would have been in much better shape. Of course, he is assuming that blacks would want to move there and would want to STAY there, neither seems very likely.

    “Malcolm X is in the smidgen category.”

    He was probably just miffed that he didn’t think of this himself. Malcolm was a huge proponent of separation, not segregation was actual geographical separation;

    “Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.”

    Probably un-workable, but given the racial morass we have now, it’s fun to ponder the counterfactuals involved.

  6. 90% of Amber alerts are domestic child-custody issues, NOT real kidnappings by strangers. Of course they say the child is in danger. That is a requirement of issuing the alert. Here in GA, the race is typically mentioned along with the car and plate number. Nearly every time the race is black.

  7. This is probably a bad idea due to the law of unintended consequences.

    One such consequence may be that this makes it LESS likely someone will be on the alert for a Black child, because they are off-put by the race-based concept of it, or don’t listen to venues where this may be featured due to not being Black, or because they actually ARE racist.

    And there can be other factors too, in the modern world as the Democrats have made it.

    Decades ago, I along with many of my agency were at the scene of a minor fire at an African Methodist Episcopalian (AME) church. There was smoke on an electrical panel in a utility closet in the rear of the church, well away from the sanctuary but right near where the mains dropped into the structure.

    At the time it was a fairly common practice for fire engines to have radio communications quite loud at a speaker on the trucks so everyone could pick up on critical messages, and such was the case here. This was shortly after the transition to a different type of meter with higher amperage services, and the utility company themselves had conducted NUMEROUS trainings to the effect that we should NEVER pull a meter due to the danger of arc flash and explosions.
    There was some debate between officers about putting wet on red, but given that there were no flames and we were well-positioned to douse them if some broke out, the Chief wisely decided that in the interests of the safety of his men to have the power disconnected by the utility company first.
    Unfortunately, the way he put it was “I’m not going to put that fire out until the power is disconnected”.

    Even more unfortunately, Reverend Bumphead was nearby and, being relatively new to what was then a fairly White section of town, had a HUGE racial chip precariously perched on his shoulder. He later claimed to only have heard the Chief say,
    “I’m not going to put that fire out…”, and immediately wrote his OWN racial bias story about letting Black churches burn from there.

    Blissfully unaware at this point of the racial tempest flaring up behind us, the utility guy dropped the wires and we opened the panel and put the smolder out, fully ventilated the structure, isolating the area and leaving further repairs for some future electrician.

    Next day we all heard it trumpeted how our racist Fire Department, like its predecessors who turned fire hoses on peaceful Black men, was so full of hate that it was willing to let a Black church burn.

    This came as a great surprise to our Black firefighters, one of which went on to be a Chief of the department.

    Long story somewhat shortened, because this wasn’t the Current Year we were able to present things like facts and logic in a public forum and demonstrate that a desire to not roast firefighters on a literal altar of Black worship was the sole motivating factor in letting some insulation smoke a bit longer under the watchful eye of guys with thousands of gallons of hundreds of PSI water at their immediate disposal, which indeed would have done FAR more damage than the fried rubber ever could had they gone that route.

    But the best part was how the Chief concluded his remarks by telling them that a large part of our manpower was volunteer, and as such if they were REALLY interested in what we did and said to each other they were
    welcome to join our happy family, and to that end placed applications for the Department on the table.

    There were lots of grumbles, but no takers.

    …but this is the point about making everything racial.
    Much of the manpower there was VOULENTEER.
    As such, this meant that SOME of the horrors that come with the job were OPTIONAL to many of the members, legally if not morally, and that if they wanted to make it a giant “Hate Whitey” rally every time a trash can caught fire, SOME of those stalwart young men may decline the invitation to be called rayyyciss yet again when the name of the institution came over the pager.

    (Volunteer, like people who you want looking for your children all over the State would be volunteer.)

    So they very well could have ended up with longer response, inadequate immediate response, and delays for mutual aid were some of the members put off by the fact that the KNEW that Black Man would be watching their every move, and be quick and public with any criticism of less than perfect performance,
    complete with a doxxing of the day on local radio, TV, and newspapers.

    To the best of my knowledge, this never occurred and this church not only survived, but is MUCH larger now thanks to the neighborhood changing complexion over time. But the point is that making everything about race opens up the possibility that it COULD end up VERY MUCH being about race, to the point where no one wants to risk being called a racist if them make the mistake of being human around a person who happens to be Black.

    Side note: If a White person DOES see someone involved in an “Ebony Alert”, the results could be unintentionally hilarious.

    Like the time someone’s boyfriend shot a few employees of a sandwich shop locally then decamped to Florida where he was caught.

    We had an ALICE training with a SWAT guy who was involved in that incident, and by way of demonstrating an issue he had THERE, he pulled a Black man from the class and said, “Describe this man to me” to various people. White people would describe everything, literally EVERYTHING about him, but his race. After making this point, he said at the aforementioned incident, that when he appeared early on in full battle rattle a White person waved him over. Anxious to get info on this developing deadly situation, he pressed the lady for details on the perp she had seen run away.

    He said that she too ran down everything about him but ONE thing. Getting frustrated he asked her what race he was very loudly. She flinched then motioned him close so she could whisper “He was Black”, then pulled back in embarrassment and fear like she thought the heavily armed Hispanic man she had just whispered that to would react violently to it.

    This man was pragmatic. He said to never be shy about offering the single most immediately identifying characteristic of a person of interest in ANY emergency situation.

    …but then, he would never have to worry about, like George Zimmerman, having his recorded words edited by the nightly news to be made into a racial pariah should the media find in it an opportunity to push their narrative…


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